Today on weekend meanderings, a quick and easy banana muffin recipe, brewing up a cuppa comfort (my new nightly ritual), rereading a favorite book that should become a movie. I have casting ideas. Also, Jim on the red carpet and a few thoughts about my mom on the anniversary of her passing.
Happy Saturday, friends!
It’s time for the weekend post with Kim and Elizabeth. Our weekly roundup of inspirations and goings on.
It was a quiet week … in my life. Yes, there’s a lot of chaos and tragedy happening in the real world but let’s not go there. Here in my hermitage, everything is lovely and I hope the same can be said for you and yours.
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It was one of those weeks when I flipped my calendar on Sunday night to find a whole lot of blank space. Ahhhh. My favorite kind of week. The only things on my calendar were a walk with my BFF Jane and a visit to the dermatologist. I thought I was having my stitches removed but arrived to find out that’s next week. Oops. My biggest accomplishment this week? Wrapping and shipping copies of Shira Gill’s LifeStyled to the giveaway winners, Dawn and Paula.
Congrats – again – Dawn and Paula. I hope UPS delivers sooner rather than later.
In other news …
Quick & Easy Banana Muffins
Last week I shared an easy 5-ingredient biscuit recipe I rustled up online. This week I needed a quick and easy banana muffin recipe to use up a couple of bananas that were fading fast. Jim loves bananas and consumes one a day. I do not like them, unless they’re disguised in a muffin, quick bread, or smoothie. The recipe is as advertised – quick and easy – and the muffins are delicious and made a wonderful breakfast all week.
Cuppa Comfort
Over the holidays I came across a soothing ‘tea’ recipe while scrolling TikTok. It’s actually not tea, there’s no tea involved. It’s a citrus, cinnamon, and honey mixture recommended as a morning beverage to chase away toxins, encourage weight loss, and assist digestion. Ok, I’m not buying any of that, but I do think it’s healthy, hydrating, soothing and I’m into it.
I’ve since deleted TikTok and can’t credit the source. I did some googling to track it down but came up empty handed. It’s not a novel idea though, there are a ton of the same and similar concoctions extolling the health benefits of all the individual ingredients.
It’s quickly become an essential early evening ritual and I’m pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoy and look forward to it.
Jim is not as enamored with my comfort potion and gives it a thumbs down. He prefers a glass of wine, and if it’s Friday or Saturday night, something stronger. Fooey on him.
Anyway, he’s been gone all week. Last night he was in LA for the MusiCares pre-Grammy benefit gala honoring the Grateful Dead. Ooh la la. While he was hobnobbing with the riff raff, I enjoyed my Cuppa Comfort while watching old episodes of Hot in Cleveland.
I’m alternating Hot in Cleveland with old episodes of The Golden Girls. Do you love these shows too? They’re the height of comfort viewing and a nice break from more intense shows … we just finished The Agency and Landman. Holy moly.
Back to the matter at hand, I’m calling this concoction my evening Cuppa Comfort. Here’s how I make a batch to last the week ~
- Slice a lemon and an orange (a ruby red grapefruit could be delicious too) into a bowl
- Squeeze a little citrus juice (from the ends of each fruit) on top
- Sprinkle with a tablespoon or so of ground cinnamon
- Add raw honey … maybe 1/4 cup
- Mix it up, cover tightly, and let marinate in the fridge for a few hours (this mixture lasts me about 5-7 days)
I use the medium bowl from my new glass storage container set I bought to replace my old plastic stuff … the lids are so much easier to snap into place than the old ratty ones.
When it’s time to brew up a Cuppa Comfort, spoon one slice each of lemon and orange into a mug and top it with a tablespoon or so of the liquid. Add hot water, stir, and let steep.
If you aren’t ready to commit to an entire batch but want to give it a test drive, you can make a single serving.
- Add one slice each of lemon and orange to a mug
- Squeeze in a little juice from each fruit
- Sprinkle 1/2 – 1 tsp cinnamon over the top
- Add 1 tbsp raw honey
- Pour hot water over the top, stir and steep
If your mug is oversized like mine, be generous with the portions.
Whenever I use my oversized cups and saucers I get questions. They’re Spode Blue Italian.
Some other options ~
It’s February 1st and I’m Missing My Mom
My mom died 26 years ago today. It’s impossible to believe it’s been that long. Yesterday I picked camellias from our garden and took them out to the cemetery. I don’t go there as often as I should or as often as my mother would have liked. She was adamant about being buried (she was cremated and her ashes are buried) in the town where my sister and I grew up so that we, and her granddaughters, could visit often. She painstakingly chose her burial spot, and much to our surprise when the day came we found out that she’d made a last minute change to a different – one presumes better – location. She wasn’t terribly sentimental, or religious, but somehow she was sure that her presence would remain here, that she’d be aware of our comings and goings, and would continue to be present in the town she loved so much.
Since her passing she gained a third granddaughter … and two new sons-in-laws. She would have loved Jim, and he would have loved her. She was from the South and when there was a gentleman present her accent became more pronounced. I would probably have been irritated. A couple of months before her passing, I arranged for her and a friend to spend a couple nights at Buena Vista’s guest house, just across the parking lot from my office. It was my 36th birthday and I knew she was nearing the end when presented me with her diamond engagement ring from my dad. This must be the last photo we ever took together, two months later she was gone.
She spent her last Christmas with friends in Hawaii and when she returned she declined rapidly. Her doctor told us she would not make it through the weekend … five weekends running. She insisted she’d live to see February and she did. She died two hours into February 1st. I didn’t intend to write a novel, I just wanted to acknowledge the date. She would have enjoyed my blog a great deal, and would have been ‘tickled pink’ to find herself mentioned. So there you go, mom. I wish you were here to correct my grammar and answer all the questions I have now that I never thought to ask then.
Snobs by Julian Fellows
Last week I reread Julian Fellowes’ – of Downton Abbey fame – first novel, Snobs: A Novel of Modern Manners. It’s one of my favorite books and I continue to be astounded that it hasn’t been made into a movie or limited series. My mom would have loved this book, she was a voracious reader and follower of all things British upper crust life.
The book, published in 2004, is probably set in the mid-1990’s. It’s a British country house – Broughton Hall – class satire.
During my recent rereading I paid closer attention to the character descriptions to see if they matched up with who I envisioned them to be. And I’ve thought about the actors who might embody the characters in a film or series. My fantasy casting, and it truly is fantasy given time and space travel. Humor me …
The never-named narrator … Tristan Rogers from his 1980’s run on General Hospital.
Edith Lavery … I have a clear picture of Edith in my mind, but unattached to a specific actress. After some inter web searching I feel that Elle Fanning (or Florence Pugh) would do her justice.
Charles, Earl Broughton … the book describes him and blonde but I’ve always pictured him as a young Dan Aykroyd.
Marchioness Uckfield … I like Emma Thompson for this role. Nicole Kidman could be good too.
Simon Russell … In my first reading, two decades ago, I pictured Simon MacCorkindale in his Falcon Crest era. I’ve since come to see Simon as a young Simon Baker. So many Simons.
Tristan Rogers | Elle Fanning | Dan Aykroyd | Emma Thompson | Simon Baker
If you haven’t read Snobs, I highly recommend. It’s a light, fun, fast read and a nice escape. Also wonderful in audio.
Super Bowl Food
We’re a week away from Super Bowl LIX in New Orleans. A familiar match-up – Chiefs vs Eagles – and half-time show by Kedrick Lamar. And who knows how many commercials. Whether you’re interested in the game, the commercials, the half-time show, all three, or none of the above, it’s hard to avoid.
I don’t care what’s on screen if there’s good food laid out in front of me. Although you probably know that I love football.
Links to my Super Bowl menu ~
Truly Delicious Dip – great with crudités, crackers … or anything
Juliet’s Top-Secret World Famous Bean Dip served with Ruffles (Jim likes to be contrary and requests corn chips)
Who are you cheering for?
Snobs | Cropped Cardi | Cup & Saucer | Uggs
Current Favorites ~
And that’s what I have for you this week. Let’s see what’s inspiring Kim and Elizabeth.
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