Rearranging Shelves, an Under-the-Radar Novel, the Painkiller Cocktail + More

Today on Weekend Meanderings, rearranging shelves, a novel, a cocktail and more!

Happy Weekend Friends!

It’s time for the weekend post with Kim and Elizabeth.

Our weekly roundup of all manner of inspiration and goings on.

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Woven bowl full of lemons on kitchen island.

We returned from our Caribbean adventure on Monday.

Our flight home was delayed first by a mechanical issue and then by the crazy weather.

We finally made it home around 2:00am and realized we were missing my carry-on bag.


Turns out we left it in the baggage claim area each thinking the other had it.

And neither noticing the other did not.

Until we got home.

Jim heroically drove back to SFO and miraculously the bag was right where we left it.

That aside, our 5-night cruise on the Ritz Carlton Yacht Collection’s Evrima was pretty darned fabulous.

But we’ll talk more about that next week.

If you’re interested I saved my Instagram stories from the trip to a highlight called RCYacht.

Let’s get to today’s topics.



In my ongoing effort to tackle some loose-end projects around the house, I re-zhushed the left side of our great room shelves. I shared the right side here a couple weeks ago. I was waiting for a pair of blue and white candlesticks from Mrs. Alice that arrived while we were on vacation. This is a similar, less expensive option.  I’m loving the Serena & Lily Beaufort trays on both sides and I’m so glad I finally pulled the trigger on them.

White built-in shelves styled with many things.

Also while we were away the wider, shorter terracotta planter I needed for the right side built-ins arrived. Later today I’ll replant the maidenhair fern into its new pot. Maidenhair ferns are so pretty and I love them, but it’s a struggle to keep them alive. Hoping this one gets enough light and not too much or too little water.

Terra cotta pots, one filled with Maidenhair Fern.

My shelfie updates aren’t exactly earth shattering, but small changes can have a big impact and for me these little tweaks make the room feel more complete. I can’t wait to share the entire room refresh with you very soon. As well as the story of what finally got me moving to finish this project.



While on vacation we received sad news that a mutual friend passed away. Jillian Navarro, a delightful woman and friend who Jim and I worked with in the early aughts. I may have previously shared that I met Jim at work when the company he worked for acquired the winery I worked for and Jillian was part of their human resources department. As a result I became part of the HR team and Jillian was given the unenviable job of training me in the company’s systems. We became fast friends. At least I quickly came to adore and enjoy her. She probably thought I was completely hopeless. Jillian was kind, caring, smart and warm with a wicked sense of humor and wit … all the things one wishes for in a friend. One of the first things I learned from Jillian was that she was a writer and dreamed of publishing a novel. After I left the company Jillian and I stayed in touch. Sporadically. I last heard from her a few years back when she published her novel, Big Beautiful Cow. What a thrill to learn she achieved her dream.

Big Beautiful Cow book.

I believe the novel is a little bit autobiographical in that it takes place in and around Jillian’s hometown of Berkeley and Sonoma County where Jillian lived with her husband, Ed, and their two children. I’m going to reread the book and continue reminiscing about Jillian, true gem of a human, and how lucky I was to know her.

Big Beautiful Cow by Jillian Navarro


I was really touched by beloved Sesame Street character Elmo’s recent social media post checking in with his friends.

Elmo Instagram post.

Elmo’s check-in struck a nerve and received an overwhelming number of replies from people of all ages, all over the world who are hurting, lonely, facing challenges and may not feel they have a trusted friend who cares. Elmo was touched too and followed-up.

Elmo Instagram post.

Thanks, Elmo, for caring about us and the reminder of how important it is to make time to check-in with our friends.



In case you aren’t aware it’s Super Bowl weekend! Will you be watching? The game, or the ads? I’m looking forward to both … plus the food. As a long-time football fan, my interest in pro-football has fallen off in recent years. Ever since my Raiders decamped to Vegas. I stuck with them through thick and thin, their departure to Los Angeles, and welcomed them home with open arms. But enough is enough, my fragile heart can’t take it anymore. And now I find myself in the strange position of embracing the other Bay Area team. I’m excited for them, of course. But somehow the spark just isn’t the same. Don’t judge me too harshly, while I’m no longer under the Raiders spell, the wound is still fresh and it’s too soon to jump into another serious relationship. On the topic of relationships, I’m totally enjoying the Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce romance. I don’t understand the disparagement directed toward these two talented professionals at the top of their respective games. I never heard anyone complain when Gieselle was flashed onto our screens during Patriot games. It makes football even more interesting and fun. And speaking of fun, Jason Kelce, the Eagles star center (and Travis’ big brother) has been declared Americas Sweetheart after his antics at the Chiefs vs Bills division championship game. I’m all in on Jason too. Have you watched the KELCE documentary on Amazon Prime? Made long before Taylor Swift entered the picture, it’s a look at the Eagle’s beloved center, his wife Kylie and their three adorable daughters. I watched it for a second time with Jim, who’s a big fan of Jason and Travis’s New Heights podcast. Warning: adult language. Will Jason retire or return to play another year? It’s a cliffhanger.

I shared my close encounter with Mama Kelce when we visited Santa Monica last month. Of course, I’ll be making my Top Secret World Famous Bean Dip tomorrow for the game.


My week was full of ups and downs and last night seemed like a good time for a cocktail. Circling back to our Caribbean adventure I decided to attempt a Painkiller which is prevalent throughout the Caribbean Islands, and featured in Elin Hildebrand’s The Paradise Trilogy … which takes place in and around the island of St. John. I had my first Painkiller on the Ritz Carlton yacht … its flavor profile is quite similar to a Pina Collada, but it’s not a blended drink. I followed this recipe.

Oh my gosh, these are SO good! Maybe even better than the ones I had in the Caribbean. Cheers to the islands! And if you haven’t read The Paradise Trilogy, the books are great beach reads and a lovely escape.

The Paradise Trilogy

Odds & Socks ~

My search for a cruelty-free nighttime eye cream resulted in ordering this one. I’ll let you know how I like it.

Did you hear about the latest password wake-up call. 🙁

I need another jacket like a need a hole in my head, but when niece Shelby showed up to dinner this week wearing this cute, quilted jacket I had to have it. The price is right, but it’s a final sale item. Shelby wears the x-small and I ordered the small.

3 Ways to Get What You Want … you know I love my friend, life coach Kym Shower’s, podcast and this episode (#125) is particularly good!

My friends at Silver Stag Winery are having a 50% off Valentine sale!

Current Favorites ~


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And that’s what I have for you today.

As we approach Valentine’s week, brace yourself for a little love bombing from me via the blog.

I’ve got two posts slated for this week … I know, two!

The absolutely best bedding that I’m totally excited about and have to share.

And my review of our Ritz Carlton Yacht Collection Caribbean cruise.

Now let’s visit Kim and Elizabeth to see what’s inspiring them.



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If you missed last weekend’s post, you can catch up here.

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Until next time, cheers from Snowberry!

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  • Good Morning!
    Loved every word and your new branding!!!! ThankYOU for sharing my podcast!!!! I just ADORE YOU JULIET!!!!

  • Hi Juliet,
    SO much for unattended bags and security!
    But happy it was exactly where you left it.
    I forgot abouut the over 40 podcast so going to revisit. I love podcasts while working out! xo laura

    • Laura! I know, right? I was sure it would have been taken by security (if not another passenger) or at least taken to lost and found. Oh well, it was lucky for me in this instance that they weren’t on top of things. Podcasts are the best for working out … and car drives. Glad I jogged you memory about Kim. She’s so good! xo

  • Dear Juliet,
    I can commiserate about the Raiders. I live in Oakland and cannot even watch football games any longer (although will be watching the Super Bowl because #party!).

    And kudos to Jim- what a great guy… driving at 2 or 3 in the morning after a long flight. What a guy!

    • Oh my gosh, isn’t it awful?! After decades of Raider fandom and looking forward to the football season I just don’t have much interest anymore. Other than watching big games. I suspect you and I aren’t alone over the loss of our Raider Nation. Wishing you a happy weekend from the other side of the tunnel … are you freezing over there too?! xo

  • Good morning Juliet, I live in No. California too but in a much warmer location and grow maidenhair fern both in the ground and in pots. They do not like to be in the house for more than a few days. I keep my pots outside and bring them in for special occasions then out they go again. They get morning sun and afternoon shade. They love water, and it is a plant you can’t overwater. I fertilize when I think about it, but not very often. If your plant shrivels up or looks like it is dead, just cut it back and in about a week or so, new growth will pop up. Each Spring, I cut back the patch in the ground and it comes back so beautifully. I hope these tips help you. It seems like a lot of work bringing the pots in and out, but so worth it. Good luck!

    • Cynthia! I had no idea the maidenhair was an outdoor plant. These are great tips … I’m going to share them on the blog next week. Maidenhairs are a fan favorite but everyone I know pulls their hair out over them. Thanks so much for enlightening me. Happy weekend. xo

  • Happy weekend, Juliet! I had been wondering why I hadn’t seen your posts? Well, silly me, I finally checked the spam box and there were 3 posts that didn’t go to my in box. Anyhoo, I’m so glad you had a fun cruise and got your luggage back. Sorry you received sad news of your friend passing. Her book sounds like a good read! Yes, my hubs and I will watch the game tomorrow, but if I can be honest here, I’m more looking forward to seeing Taylor Swift in the stands! Xo

    • Uh oh, I’m spamming you! Glad to know I’ve been retrieved from purgatory. I check my spam folder daily because so many of the emails I want to see (alongs side those I don’t) end up there. Ugh. Anyway, I’m with you about Taylor and will have my eyes peeled, while shoveling Ruffles and bean dip into my mouth at an alarming pace. Enjoy the game … and your weekend! xo

  • Hi Juliet — Your shelves look so pretty! I once brought home a maidenhair fern, and my cats ate it to a nub within days. So much for that. I am sorry for the loss of your friend. And yes, the whole Elmo thing was so sweet! Have a wonderful week, friend!

    • Oh my gosh, they ate it?!!! I guess I should thank my lucky stars our Abby isn’t interested. Our plants have enough to contend with given my poor track record. Happy weekend! xo

  • Juliette, I just posted you a response and I put in my email correctly and this is the response I got back.

    error: please enter a valid email address

    Err ❣️❣️❣️Shucks

  • Juliet
    I was so sad to hear of the loss of your long time friend. However, happy to buy her book. I feel lost that I currently do t have a good book to read.
    I look forward to your tips adventures next week.
    Happy weekend.

    • Hi Jessica, thank you so much. I hope you enjoy the book. I’m so happy Jillian was able to achieve her dream of publishing a novel … it was a great source of pride for her. xo

  • Well it certainly sounds like you had a fabulous time.Back to the grind. I will look for Jillian’s book.I really love the sweater you found.
    Go 49er’s.
    Love ya

  • Juliet,
    I am sorry for the loss of your friend, Jillian. She sounds like a lovely woman. How wonderful that she fulfilled her dream of writing.
    Your bookcases look beautiful! I love all of the new additions, especially the candlesticks. I am sure after all these years it is nice to finally get it the way that you want. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the rest of the room.
    Elmo is so sweet. It is a shame that he was “beat up” on the Today show this past week.
    My husband is a Chiefs fan so we will be rooting for KC. I am there for the commercials and the snacks.
    Love Kim!
    Have a wonderful weekend Juliet, enjoy the game.

  • Juliet! Your trip looked amazing! I can’t believe you left your carry on bag and that it was still there when Jim
    Went back to SFO! Thank goodness!!
    I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your beautiful friend!!

  • I think it’s absolutely the worst to lose a carry-on bag! It is happened to us as well. One time we got out of a taxi my husband set my carry-on bag on the curb, and we walked off without it. Luckily, it was right where we had left it when we came back.!!! after having several carry-on items left behind an airport,I now count every time we pick up our bags to make sure we have everything and I’ve started using air trackers as well!! They tell me I have left a bag behind! The painkiller sounds fabulous! We are headed to Mexico, and I definitely am going to try that!! Your cruise sounds wonderful . I love the luxury cruises. I love the small guest count and the high ratio of service and I love being pampered.! we have done Seaborn and silver Sea but I would like to try the Ritz Carlton yacht collection. We have some friends who cruuse with them a lot.! in fact, they were getting on the ship in Puerto Rico when you got off! One last thing, go 49ers!

  • Your re-entry to home life sounds particularly rough! So glad that your carry-on was retrieved, despite the awful drive back to SFO. While I don’t follow football (hubs isn’t a sports follower and being from Italy, only knows soccer), as a current Midwesterner, I’m happy that nearby Kansas City is on people’s radar these days thanks to Taylor Swift (and Travis Kelce) ;-} Thank you for the heads’ up about your friend’s novel — I will look for it. It is difficult to come to terms with loss of a friend, particularly someone relatively young. That Elmo is a sweetheart! Looking forward to hearing your comments on your cruise.

  • Re your maiden hair fern, yes they are difficult but when mine die (mostly from lack of water), I cut off the dead stems and the plant always grows new fronds. I keep mine outside on the patio as there is not enough light in my house. I love Elin Hildebrand and
    also recommend The Paradis Trilogy.

  • Hi Juliet, First I have to say your blog looks so pretty ! Love the refresh. Looking forward to your sheet review too.
    Glad you guys found the carry-on. Max bought us all Apple Air tags for Xmas for our bags. Of course me, being me, I left mine at home accidentally when we went to Hawaii. They seem to be the thing to do now and hopefully, will be useful.

    I love your shelf refresh and I have this tray and adore it too. Cute candlesticks also. My favorite indoor plant that you can’t kill is a peperomia. You can find them at Whole Foods a lot.

    I’m so sad to hear about your friend. It is those people who touch our lives when we are younger and learning that really impact us more than we know right? She sounds like a generous heart. Loved her bio on the back of the book. Raised by hippies in Berkeley! How lucky was she? She sounds like a wonderful person and I like the book and will order. Thinking of you and Jim.

    Hope you enjoyed the game. Not a football fan, but we watched the whole thing and I was sad, but I know the Chiefs are a great team too.

    Your recipes you shared looked great.
    Hope you have a great week and so sorry to be so late commenting here!

    • Kim! Thanks for the tip of peperomia … I just put a note in my phone. I may accidentally have one, currently on our dining table, that’s doing surprisingly well. Maybe that’s why. As for the luggage situation, we do have Air Tags … but only in our checked bags. I asked Jim to order another for the carry ons … because clearly neither one of us can be trusted. Thanks for your kinds words, about Jillian. She was a generous spirit and is greatly missed. So happy she was able to see her children become adults and to achieve her dream of publishing a novel. The game didn’t have the outcome we hoped for … but the commercials were the best I’ve seen in many years. So there’s that. Happy Valentine’s Day, friend. xo

  • Hi, I’m Juliet … welcome to Make Mine a Spritzer where we talk about all things home décor, classic style and more! I’m so happy you’re here!

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