Revamping My Laundry Routine

“Everything comes out in the wash.”

~ Patric Richardson

Laundry Closet and Hanging Rod

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In my last post of 2021, I mentioned revamping my laundry routine.

Scintillating stuff and I know you’ve been on pins and needles waiting to hear more.

The wait is over.

Last year a new book hit the shelves.

Who knows how I became aware of it … probably this article in the Wall Street Journal?

The book received a lot of fanfare and Patric made the rounds of the morning shows.

Kelly Ripa was particularly taken with the author, and he made several appearances on

Live with Kelly and Ryan.

Do you think Kelly does her own laundry?

Laundry - Live with Kelly and Ryan

Image: Live with Kelly and Ryan

Patric finds joy in doing laundry and his enthusiasm is infectious.

He says clean clothes are a privilege and doing laundry an act of love.

He emphasizes caring for clothes – and linens – in a kinder, gentler way to extend their life.

And he says we cannot let our clothes boss us around.

Dry-clean-only, hand wash, etc.

Not so fast.

Patric washes everything in the machine.


Laundry Love Book and Cleaning Products

But back to Snowberry and my new laundry routine.

Like most home keeping activities, laundry was not something I learned at home.

My mother, a very intelligent and interesting woman, was no domestic goddess.

As far as laundry goes, it got done.

But separating colors, treating stains, folding and ironing were not part of the process.

My father could frequently be heard exclaiming over his white, military issue skivvies turned pink.

Enough said.

As a young adult living on my own for the first time, I was determined to do things differently.

Laundry, however, remained cloaked in mystery and my ineptitude a source of shame.

Over the years my skills improved, I gained confidence and a (low) degree of proficiency.

That said, after reading Patric’s book I realized I still have a lot to learn.

Cat sitting in front of laundry closet

Abby sitting outside Snowberry’s laundry closet where the magic happens


These are the simple changes I’ve made … so far.

My New Basic Laundry Routine

  • I’m washing all my laundry on the express cycle, in warm water, cold rinse and high spin. The shorter cycle is gentler on your laundry and things will last longer. And it saves water, something we’re always trying to do here in drought-stricken California. If you’re washing a super dirty load (just came back from a camping trip) Patric recommends adding washing soda (sodium carbonate). It softens the water allowing detergent to get in there and do its job. The higher spin gets dry faster which means less time in the actual dryer.
  • I replaced my big-brand name detergent with something kinder and gentler … to my clothes and the environment. Can I tell you a shameful secret? Until recently I was using Tide Pods. I know.
  • I started using Thieves Essential Oil-Infused Laundry Soap. It’s surprising what a tiny amount is recommended per wash load, and it seems to be doing the job just fine.  Patric recommends adding detergent directly into the washer on top of the clothes rather than through the dispenser. I keep forgetting to try that. I also ordered Patric’s laundry flakes. They arrived yesterday so stay tuned.
  • I nixed chlorine bleach. Apparently, it can cause whites to yellow over time. The opposite of what we expect it to do. What to use instead … oxygen bleach. I ordered and used it successfully over the weekend. Oxygen bleach should not be used on silk or wool. I don’t wash silk or wool at home, so it won’t be a problem. This is an advanced maneuver and I’m taking baby steps.
  • I stopped using dryer sheets. This is my biggest hurdle because … static. I hate static. I also hate what dryer sheets do and what they’re made from – now that I know. Static is an issue that needs solving. Here are a couple things I’ve tried.
  1. Foil ball in dryer. A yard, or more, of heavy-duty aluminum foil balled up in the size of a tennis ball or maybe a softball. Supposedly it discharges static.  Warning … it’s noisy. Jim’s not very happy about it and asked if it will damage inside of dryer. I assured him that my trusted Patric wouldn’t recommend anything potentially damaging. But it does make a racket.
  2. Static Spray. I bought a static spray which is meant to be sprayed directly on static-y garments. I read you can spray it into the dryer too. I assume this means after the load is dry but before it’s removed from dryer. This requires more research. I’ll report back.

Laundry room tools

  • I started using wool dryer balls. Apparently, this is a thing. I had no idea. What do they do? They reduce drying time significantly … and, supposedly, static. I bought Serena & Lily wool dryer balls. Yes, Serena & Lily has dryer balls.
  • And, I’m adding  2-3 drops of lemon essential oil to the dryer balls and my laundry smells heavenly.
  • I’m using those funny looking bumpy (spikey) dryer balls too. They’re great for drying loads of towels or sheets because they help separate and plump everything. This is in addition to the wool dryer balls and the foil anti-static ball. It’s getting kind of crowded in there.

Patric is pro clothesline and drying rack.

I’m not there yet.

Laundry Closet

Note: High performance activewear (think Lululemon, Athleta, etc.) requires special care.

Patric’s YouTube video explains and recommends this detergent.

Lululemon’s don’t come cheap, and I want to extend their life.


So there you have it.

My revamped laundry routine.

It’s only been a couple of weeks and my laundry feels great and smells fresh and clean.

So far so good.

Kitchen sink and cutting board with sliced citrus

I’m using citrus essential oil infused products in my new laundry routine

Advanced Maneuvers

Other areas covered in the book are what I consider advanced maneuvers.

  • Stain removal … this is a biggie
  • Ironing and steaming
  • Folding and hanging
  • Handwashing special care and ‘dry-clean only’ fabrics

Reality check.

While I admire those who tackle the hand washing of delicate and dry-clean-only clothing,

I will not be joining them.


Never say never.

As far as ironing goes, Jim, who travels a lot for work, is an expert ironer.

The first thing he does after checking into a hotel room is take out the iron to press his fresh-from-the-dry-cleaner shirts.

At home, if he sees me take out the iron, he nicely tells me to step aside and let a professional handle it.

Fine by me.

My friend, Shelley, recommended this Cadillac of ironing boards.

It’s amazing what a difference a good ironing board makes.

And it goes up and down without that hideous screeching that sends everyone running for cover.

I upgraded our iron too.

And bought a steamer.

Who am I?

As Martha Stewart says … you must have the proper tools.

Next challenge … stain removal.

I’m putting together a stain kit. So far it consists of:

Patric prides himself on being able to remove any stain.

In his six-episode Discovery Plus series, The Laundry Guy, he proves it.

His book, Laundry Love, provides tons of examples as well.

Here he is showing Kelly and Ryan the tricks of the trade.

Breaking news … Jim came home from golf with a stain on the sleeve of his golf shirt.

I think it falls into the performance activewear category.

In the past, I would have tossed it in the dry-cleaning bag.

Instead, I pulled out my newly acquired laundry bar soap and tiny brush and gently scrubbed the stain.

Then I washed the shirt on the express cycle with detergent and oxygen bleach and hung it up to dry.

Et voila … stain free!

Laundry Closet

Sources for my new laundry routine essentials:

  • I purchased Thieves Laundry Soap and essential oils from Annie of the Most Lovely Things blog. She’s a wealth of information about safe cleaning products and wrote this blog post on eliminating toxins from your laundry. 
  • Patric’s laundry flakes, oxygen bleach and other laundry essentials can be purchased from his website The Laundry Evangelist. He has tons of great resources on the site as well.
  • Check out my Amazon storefront where I created a Laundry Routine list with many of the products recommend by Patric and ordered by me. Including stain-kit essentials.
  • And I’ve linked products throughout this post.
Cat sitting in kitchen

Abby appreciates the kinder, gentler product being used in her home

A little more about Patric (I swear I’m not his PR rep, I just love him) ~

Patric is a textile expert with a background in high-end retail. Living in Minnesota he hosts an in-demand Laundry Camp at his Mona Williams boutique. He offers the 2-hour camp via Zoom too. All the spots are taken in January, and I hope to score spot next month.

In addition to Laundry Love, his six-part series, The Laundry Guy, is streaming on Discovery Plus. He tackles cleaning dilemmas including sentimental and vintage items … like a treasured family quilt, a well-loved stuffed animal, a prized high school letter jacket. The sort of things we all have tucked away in our basements not knowing quite how to bring them back to life.

And you can find him in the usual places on the inter-webs:

The Laundry Evangelist Website



Facebook  – Patric hosts a weekly Facebook Live to answer follower questions

Part of me is laughing that I’m writing so enthusiastically about laundry.

The other part is bursting with pride over my newly acquired skills.

What better way to kick off the New Year!


Laundry Post Pin Collage

As always, I appreciate your visit and I’d love to hear your laundry tips and tricks.

Please share in the comments below.

Dream Home Laundry Basket

HGTV Dream Home Laundry Room

Until next time, cheers from Snowberry.


Unless otherwise noted, all images in this post by Monica Vargas Photography


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  • I actually decided to remove any unnecessary additives to my laundry a while ago. we had purchased a new washer/dryer last fall and i didn’t want to overload it with softener that gunks up the inside, etc. it is our second set of front loaders – after having front loaders for over 10 years now, the jury is still out. the one thing that is good is they use so much less water. our water rates are high so that’s a good thing. i have never experienced the odor issue that so many people complain about. i keep the washer door ajar so it dries, and i regularly run the clean cycle. the biggest changes i made are #1 – i use about 1/2 the amount of “he” detergent than i used to, and the biggy – #2 i stopped using fabric softener. instead i buy large bottles of distilled white vinegar that i scent with different essential oils and then decant into a smaller bottle. ive been doing this for 6 months now, and only recently started getting some static. i also use the sheep’s wool balls and that helps. i regularly use baking soda and/or borax. i also use the short cycle for just about most items. it’s just one way i tried to eliminate toxins, and it’s a money saver as far as detergents and softeners. we go to our daughter’s home 2 days a week to help out as they have two young daughters and she works from home, so laundry is a big part of my life!

    • Oh wow, Lyn … you’re a trail blazer and I’m embarrassed to be so late to this. I agree about the front loader, it uses less water and I’ve never had the odor problem either. Leaving the door ajar until the machine dries out is the key I think. I didn’t mention it in the post, because I never used it, but fabric softener is another no no. And, of course you know this. Vinegar and baking soda seem to be all around great things to have in the cupboard … for cooking and cleaning. I haven’t used Borax. Yet. Sounds like you have your hands full with precious laundry … love and appreciate your comment. xo

  • Always love your entertaining posts! I’m pretty much a bread and butter laundry person, but my One must have is a steamer. I steam everything (clothes, shower curtains, Table clothes). I may get my iron out once a year, everything else is steamed. I use a travel size that goes on every trip with me. I also hang all of my shirts when they come out of the wash machine which makes steaming a 30 seCond job.

    • As a Steam Pro, which Steamer do you like? Mine died a couple of months ago and am in the market to replace.
      Thank you for any and all suggestions,

      • Beth, i own a very small and simple unit, but it has lasted longer than my previous more expensive steamers. The brand is PAX and i see it’s on Amazon for $30-35. I have had it for nearly 10 years and use tap water, though it recommends distilled water. heats in less than a minute. The new model has an improved nozzle which is slightly talLer than mine but is still easily small eNough to use for travel. Good luck in your steamer search!

        • Hi Kelly … thanks for the tip. Love the price! I think it’s important (although I didn’t know it until recently) to use distilled water in irons and steamers. Thanks for stopping by! xo

      • I have a Black & Decker … but Kelly up above commented that she uses a PAX ($30-35 on Amazon) and it’s very good. Great price too! xo

    • Ok … like everything regarding laundry I was late to the steamer game. And, I’m a little scared to use it. The other day I needed to iron a table cloth and thought a steamer would be much more efficient. I need to get over this hurdle. What is it with me and laundry?! Anyway, a travel steamer would be ideal … something ease to pack. So, you hang shirts to dry and only need to steam them?! This is a great tip! xo

  • Oh my gosh! I hate laundry but with this post, I may just up my game and find a way to enjoy it. definitely going to switch out detergents to something less harsh on the environment. will also use the quick wash cycle. maybe with a shortened cycle time, I won’t feel like I am doing thanks for this post! i am with you, who knew?

    • Holly, it’s amazing how fast things move with the shorter cycle. I’m loving it, saving time and water with no difference in the end result. So glad you enjoyed this topic … maybe we’ll both learn to enjoy laundry day?! xo

  • Great info here! I stopped using Anti-Static sheets and Reg Laundry Detergent about 10 years ago, when I finally figured out that both, even “Unscented” were causing both my husband and me allergies. Will certainly check out this great sounding book. Have used the Laundress brush and stain remover soap for a few years now and they work very well. Kind of a nerdy topic, but frankly, one that is very important. Thanks for all the info!!!!!!! And love your sense of humor.. Great way to begin the day.

    • Good morning, Beth … and thank you! You’re way ahead of me in detoxifying your laundry routine. Tell me, what do you use to eliminate static? xo

    • Yes, he does … but he doesn’t do the cooking. 😉 I’ll check TJ’s for dryer balls … apparently they have a shelf life and need replenishing. I’m really getting into the weeds with this laundry thing. xo

  • I LOVE doing laundry!
    I know it sounds Weird but….I take great pride in fighting it out with any stain that crosses my path. Lol Our son started playing T-Ball & Soccer at 3!!! He Went on to full-on Baseball (year around) until He burned out on that & then turned into quite the lacrosse player throughout HS & college.
    Lots of years of battLIng with clay, grass & dirt stains! AND my wine stains from the stress of him playing lacrosse! HA
    Nothing like knowing all the laundry in the house is done (and stain free).
    It’s actually relaxing to do laundry. I know…weird!

    • I wish I had your attitude, Scarlett! Stains scare me … but maybe my newfound laundry guru will guide me through to more successes and I’ll become a stain pro. But, let’s not get carried away! Thanks for stopping by! xo

  • Oh my! I so appreCiate the mention! Isn’t our cadillac-of-ironing-boards fabulOUs? How did we gEt along without it? Wonderfully informative blOg! I lOve the incorporation of essential oils into the Laundry routine. All other tIps Are so useful and ENLIGHTENING! Bravo!

    • The life changing ironing board! Check out The Laundress ironing board cover … black and white stripe. To die. I’m loving the essential oils … citrus, of course! xo

  • Wow just Wow! I can hardly believe that someone can write and book amd make a living teaching basic laundry skills that I learned when i was a child. I will read his book just out of curiosity. The one thing he is wrong about is handwashing…..everything cannot be done well in a machine….done maybe but not done well. Handwashing is not hard…maybe I should write the book on handwashing 🙂

    • Lauren – it just goes to show you I’m not the only one who grew up not learning how to do laundry! Patric does a lot of hand washing too. In his HGTV show its all hand wishing. And his technique for using the washing machine for delicate fabrics is very interesting … he doesn’t just throw them in the machine. His book is so enjoyable. An interesting cast of characters and a lot about his life and how he became fascinated with laundry. Even a few recipes. Curious to know what you’ll think. xo

  • Juliet, this is such a great post. I read an article about The Laundry in Readers Digest in December(my mother-in-law sent me a subscription) such an interesting and ENTHUSIASTIC man.
    I love laundry! I have not read this book but I am happy to say that I do almost everything you RECOMMEND. I use the smallest amount of detergent, I only use the 30 minute cycle, I do not use bleach, have dryer balls and the balls with the little spikes(both from TJMAXX). I actually do not dry my clothes, I throw them into the dryer for about 5 minutes to get the wrinkles out and then I use my drying racks to dry the clothes. We do dry towels and sheets but not really anything else.
    As for Jim, he is exactly like my husband! The minute he steps into the hotel he unpacks as if he lives there and gets out the iron. Although I like to iron my husband is better at it than I am and my mother is even better!
    Thank you for the link to the irning board! I need a new one! The last 2 houses we lived in had the ones that are built in the wall and right now we have a board I do not like.
    Have a great day Juliet! Thank you for sharing this glowing book RECOMMENDATION. I just ordered it.

    • Elizabeth … this ironing board is a game changer. It’s weird for me to be so enthusiastic about an ironing board. Prior to making the investment in this one I probably bought my ironing board at Target, the cheapest I could find. Because … it’s an ironing board. But the Cadillac of ironing boards is just so easy to get up and down. The top is wider and cushier and the pad stays on. I don’t even know how to describe it but – for me who hates ironing – it makes ironing much less terrible. You are so far ahead of me with the laundry knowledge. I remember my dad’s wife using drying racks and I’d never seen them before! Like I said, I have a long way to go but I’m better than I was. Sounds like our husbands are a lot alike. Let me know how you like the book, it’s an enjoyable read! xo

    I will REMEMBER the 50 to 50 ration for stains!

    • Oh, yes, Banksy must have his clean bedding scented with essential oils. He’s a discerning pig after all! Patric’s had such an interesting life. Worked at Neiman Marcus back in the day and now runs his own boutique. Studied textiles at University of Kentucky. Adore him. Can you believe what a difference a good iron and ironing board can make? I thought my board was expensive until I saw the fancy smanchy boards of Patric’s website. Whoa. But, he’s a professional! xo

    • Patric is amazing and I hope you’ll enjoy him on his social channels. Yes, a steamer is great … especially for all those trips you take! xo

  • Juliet fantastic post! So much to learn here. I have to begin following him. I haven’t been using fabric softener for years as I don’t like the film it leaves. I love Seventh Generation free and Clear and so far it has yet to not get a stain out for me as a spot treatment too.
    I need all these tools though and I am going to try the aluminum ball thing. has he talked about those balls that collect bits from microfiber clothes? Someone gave me one, as the washing machine waste water is apparently full of the microparticles from our leggings etc. The thing is, I didn’t see the ball have anything on it. Maybe as they are microscopic that is okay? Anyway, just wondering… Thanks all this good info for a new year. I am sharing this! xo

  • Hi Juliet,
    You made me laugh a few times, love your enthusiasm for your new-found skill!
    I don’t mind doing the laundry, the thing is I only do my own clothes and the household stuff. Everyone else in this house has always been in charge of washing their own clothing and bedding as soon as they were old enough to reach the knobs on the machine! My mom taught me what she knew and I figured out the rest. Just recently got those wool balls and they seem to be helpful. I’m going to add a few drops of essential oil to them, thanks for that tip! Never used softener or dryer sheets ((except to keep the mice out of my car, which has helped!) I’guess I’m pretty old school, do the handwashing thing for some items that are especially delicate, and rarely iron because I hand press everything while it’s hanging on the drying rack or right when it comes out of the dryer. Going to look into those steamers though. They Sound life changing!
    This was a fun post Juliet, thank you!
    XO Heidi

    • Heidi … you are a smart one. Wish I’d insisted everyone do their own laundry … but that ship has sailed! You use a drying rack too? My dad’s wife had one and I’d never seen such a thing. Maybe I’ll end up with one. Never say never. I do love the dryer balls and scented with essential oil is a game changer. So glad Annie and Patric clued me into that. Steamers are great … especially when traveling. I’ve noticed that hotels are starting to replace irons and ironing boards with steamers. Thanks for stopping by and tolerating my ridiculous enthusiasm for a basic chore everybody else mastered decades ago! xo

  • I RECENTLY switched to “tHe LaUndress” laundry products and i love them! Also upgraded my Steam iron and now wash all my silKs, cashmere and some wools instead of dry cleaning. So much better done at hoMe! No problems so far. Will Educate myself with patrik’s advise and no doubt will make more changes. Thanks for the tips!

    • Hi Sally … The Laundress products are great. You’re so brave to venture into washing delicate fabrics … but when you have the right products it works. I get such a kick out of Patric and learning some new skills. xo

  • i am just in Awe of your well written and fun post here! You have made such a mundane subject, nare I say … exciting!! Huge congratulations darling! I hope you can hear me giving you a Standing Ovation!! XOXO

  • What a great post, Juliet! I appreciate all of these great tips. Thank you for introducing me to Patric. I will definitely check out his book. I have been revamping our laundry routine here and trying to be more mindful of chemicals. I recently started using wool dryer balls, but will need to try adding essential oil to them. I bet it makes your laundry smell amazing. Pinned!

    • Hi Lynne … I’ve been wanting to make changes for the longest time and reading Patric’s book really helped. It’s like he held my hand and walked me through and it wasn’t as challenging as I thought. I think you’ll get a kick out of him. xo

  • I love your post, Juliet! I take my laundry very seriously and agree with everything Patrick preaches. More people need to know these things. One of my biggest pet peeves in life is people using too much detergent and you can smell their clothes from a mile away. Also, dryer sheets…they are from the devil, honestly!

    • Marieza … that is the worst! I’m super sensitive to artificial smells … and hate the smell of scented detergents and dryer sheets. Even before I switched it was all unscented. Loving the essential oils with wool balls as the vehicle. A natural citrus scent makes me happy! xo

  • This is such a good post, juliet. Ive been WASHING my Clothes on the shortest wash time. I had no idea about the woold dryer balls. I will definitely check those ouT. Thanks for sharing!

    • You are so smart Kim … I’d never heard the use of shorter cycle mentioned. And think it will prolong the life of our clothes … as well as save water. The dryer balls were a newish thing to be and I love them … particularly as a vehicle for citrus essential oils! Thanks for stopping by! xo

  • I started using wool drying balls with essential oils a couple of years ago and for the most part, they take care of the static. some items like silky polyesters, the wool balls don’t work so maybe i should try the foil balls! Pinning

    • I agree, Cindy … the wool balls are great for many reasons but I don’t find they have any effect of static. The foil is working for me so far … and any excess static is removed with the static spray after the fact. I hate static. Did I already say that?!

  • Your laundry room is beautiful and your cat (Abby) is very cute. I definitley need some of those spiky laundry balls, I’ve never heard of them before and I think they’re a genius idea!

  • Juliet this was such an informative and well written blog. I love all the details. I have the wool balls but gave up on them two times in. I was using lavender oil and it just didn’t scent the clothes but I will try lemon. I also didn’t find that they removed the static so I guess I will be trying the tin foil. Love how you referenced the book throughout. Your blogs are so interesting and well written! i aspire to put out as good of material as you do!

    • Hi Crystal … you’re much too kind and I thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed the post … I should have mentioned (and will in a follow up) that the foil balls last quite a while but will shrink over time and need to be replaced when they get to be size of golf ball.) The wool balls smell great but don’t leave a lot of scent on the laundry. I suppose I could add more but I don’t want to overpower. It’s all a work in progress and I’ll report back what I discover. xo

  • This was a great post! Im all about laundry! I Have most Of these tools! I love the laVender bagS from trader Joes! Their for the dryer. I also use pink tennis balls in the dRyer. I make my own laundry soap i found a RECIPE on line years ago! Many items were what my grandma used. I love the idea of citrus will try this!
    Thanks again for another great post !

    • You make your own soap?! Wow, Mary Anne … I’m so impressed. I need to consult you when it comes to my laundry dilemma’s … sounds like you’re the expert. And, pink tennis balls … love that so much! xo

  • I think i need his expertise in my life…i already have many of these PRACTICES in place, but new products are always worth a try, right? Thanks for a wonderful post!!

  • Such a great post and pretty laundry room. Believe it or not I used to love to iron. I know rare right? With My MS I can’t as easily anymore.

    I believe having a pretty laundry room makes this chore less annoyng. I say annoying because laundry never ends, lol.

  • Juliet, what a great post. Laundry is not something everyone likes to do. thankfully, I had a husband that enjoys doing it when the children were little and boy did that help me out. My old laundry room had a sign “do your own laundry or go naked”. LOL I travel too much with work to keep up with it. Thank goodness he did without complaints.

    Now I enjoy doing laundry. I have sensitive skin so we have to be careful with fagrances. I do love Thieves anything! I use the cleaner most of all for cleaning. It is perfect for the pandemic too.

    Rarely do I ever use a iron. I have a steamer and it is the bomb. I do need to install a drying rack in my new laundry room. I had one in my laundry room at the old house. Now I have more of a laundry walk-in closet here. Miss having a large laundry room. Your’s is beautiful.

    • A husband who loves laundry, like one who loves to cook is idea! I need to learn to use my steamer … everyone raves. As a traveler you learn these things fast, right?

  • I love your laundry room revamp. It’s a small laundry space which just goes to show that you don’t need the huge room that most of the laundry room makeovers have. Great job.

    • You’re right, Janet … that’s how I feel. I do miss a bigger room, but my closet has absolutely everything I need. Thanks for stopping by! xo

  • I love doing laundry! call me crazy, i know. my laundry room is just off my kitchen so very convenient and it has a large window and lots of storage, although not huge. Mostly i only fluff my clothes and hang them up. i do dry sheets and towels. i make my own detergent. it is a mix of fels naptha, washing soda, baking soda, borax and oxi clean. i cut the fels naptha into small pieces and grind it with the other incredients in my food processor. i use tape around the porcessor to keep ingredients from seeping out the lid because it processes for a while and gets very fine. makes less of a mess. my husband still likes the pods on his jeans. they do get awfully dirty.

    • Hi Vicky, you’re the second person who’s told me you make your own. I only just learned about felt naptha … which only goes to prove I still have a lot to learn. Thanks for the tips on making soap … I’m really enjoying learning about this stuff. xo

  • My laundry is pretty simple with just the 2 of us. I went to Mollys Suds and dryer balls to remove some toxins. i still use shout for grease stains but that’s about it and carry shout wipes in my purse.

    • I’ve heard of Molly Suds … and need to look into it. It’s just the two of us at home two but somehow I feel we have a lot of laundry. Ugh. 😉 xo

  • Hi, Juliet! Last summer I was visiting a friend in Minneapolis and she introduced me to patric’s book and method. in her words “life changing”. She has two teenage boys still at home, so I had to check it out! Returning home it took awhile to get his book (wait list at library) but I have to agree, I learned sooo much. I already used natural/ fragrance free (skin condition) and had stopped using fabric softener. but an important game changer was using the short/express cycle! Wow cutting down the wash time really speeds things along. Now I want to get my own copy of the book because he has a wealth of information i will never remember it all!

    • Hi Maria … so many comments about sensitive skin and how laundry soaps and softeners can irritate it. I love that you learned about Patric … from a local! His book is so good … and when I tell people about it and they roll their eyes I tell them its not a procedural book its a life story and absolutely fascinating. Thanks for stopping by! xo

  • Oh my gosh I missed this article! I need to order that book! I quit using dryer sheets and softener in general a few years ago. I have not tried Thieves. We use the eco stuff from the grocery, wool dryer balls etc. I don’t dry clean anything anymore except for maybe a wool coat or blazer. cashmere should never go to the dry cleaners.. Anyway so much great information here. I am going to link to this in my sunday faves!!

    • Cindy … you will love Patric. Check out his Instagram and Facebook lives. I’d love to know how you get rid of static. I’m not sold on the foil balls … I did try the 7th Generation dryer sheets … they work and from what I can see are ok for clothes, the dryer and environment. Dare I ask Patric what he thinks?!!! Oh my gosh, thank you … I’d be honored to be on your fave list. Oh my!!! xo

  • two more laundry hints to add to your wonderful post, Juliet – 1) if you don’t get clothes out of the dryer on time, toss a damp washcloth in with the clothes and run the dryer for about 5 minutes – wrinkles be gone! and 2) I have no idea! wait, now I remember – ha! Back in the day when I had monthly blood stains, the classic Liquid Neutrogena am ber colored facial cleanser in the square shaped pump bottle is a miracle worker. squirt, squirt, dash of cold water, rub rub, run under cold water and GONE!

  • I ginally had a minute to read your posts!! TheY are so good! I ESPECIALLY loved THIS LAUNDRY one!! I actually like to do laundry, Anand I have adopted A lot of the things that you mentioned in the article. I always wash on the express cycle, BuT I’m going to have to try the laundry flakes. I have a hanging rack above my washer and dryer where I hang 90% of my clothes, AnD a drying rack outside where most everything else goes. I have the area for a clothesline and I have yet to get it up, Soso for now the table and chairs outside our bedroom doors get draped with sheets and the umbrella has blouses and shirts hung from hangers that go round and round in the wind! I love the smell of clothes when you bring them in from outside, plus I feel it’s so much better for the environment.. I aI also love ironing, which I know is weird. AtAt my Danville home, I had a dedicated laundry room and I’m placed for my owning board always was set up with a drying rack above it and a niche in the wall for my iron and my spray starch that I made myself The old-fashioned way! In my new house, I did not have the room to keep an ironing board up, so I have a small ironing board that I use on the countertop, or if I have a lot of iron to do I set it up in the family room and catch up on alot of TV , As iron All the things that I put aside . Thanks for the great article and im going to read Patric’s book.

  • I forgot to tell you about Carbona- its a german stain removal luquid. They come in different FORMULAS- blood, oil, coffee, dairy etc. i RECENTLY bought a tory burch tunic off pOshmark. It had a stain on the sleeve- which she DISCLOSED. I Used carbona , washed in cold wAter, hung to dry… and voila- just like new!! I brought it on my trip and already used it on a spot on my linen blouse!! Must have happened during a vacation mOde feeding frenzy!

  • I found this post very interesting and was pleased to know that I was already doing most of the things you listed. I haven’t ever used wool dryer balls (but then I didn’t have a dryer for two years until a couple of months ago). I’m considering buying some. I mostly hang my clothes outside to dry or on an airing rack inside if it’s wet. Now that I have my new heat pump dryer, I’m happy to be able to dry my sheets and towels in it. It dries the clothes fine as well but I like to save power.
    As for static – you can add white vinegar to your wash which helps. I also keep a spray bottle of white vinegar handy. If I’m having a particularly static day, I spray my clothes with white vinegar – not too much, otherwise you’ll smell like it but a little goes a long way. It also helps to add moisturiser to your skin to stop the static.

  • I only had to dye my clothes pink once to know that separating laundry is important lol. Great post; thanks for sharing.

  • Hi, I’m Juliet … welcome to Make Mine a Spritzer where we talk about all things home décor, classic style and more! I’m so happy you’re here!

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