Summer Whites – The Versatility of a Shirt Dress

A white shirt dress is a wildly versatile wardrobe staple and offers endless styling possibilities. Today I’m joining my blogging pals to showcase our favorite white pieces for summer and how we style them. So let’s get to it, shirt dress styling.

It’s on.

Summer, I mean.

I’m happy to be inside writing this post because it’s hot out there.

And that makes today’s topic especially relevant.

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Woman wearing layered shirt dresses with arms crossed.

Summer Whites

Today I’m joining some of my favorite creators to chat about styling white pieces for summer. White dresses, skirts, denim, shorts, shirts, shoes … the possibilities are endless. It may be hot outside but white keeps us looking cool, calm and collected. And I’m styling the ever-popular white shirt dress.

If I’m being totally honest, I’ve not been a huge fan of the shirt dress. I know they’re wildly popular. What’s my problem? I don’t know. Boring and boxy comes to mind. I said what I said.

On the other hand, I love an oversized white shirt and aren’t they one and the same? Hmmm.

I decided to expand my horizons and surfed the interwebs for an ideal white shirt dress. There are many options. Long, short, linen, cotton, and white in every color under the sun. Every price point under the sun too.

I settled on Quince’s European Linen Shirt Dress. Quince is a favorite tried-and-true brand, and I know their pieces are beautifully made and won’t break the bank.

Quince white linen shirt dress.

Quince European Linen Shirt Dress

My Quince dress arrived and I find myself pleasantly surprised by how much I like it. Suddenly I’m a convert to the shirt-dresses-are-everything camp. Here’s why …

Versatility of a White Shirt Dress

Far from being boring and boxy, shirt dresses are classic and stylish. I know what you’re thinking. Duh, Juliet … that’s a blinding glimpse of the obvious.

Okay, so in addition to being classic and stylish, shirt dresses are versatile. Now that I’m an aficionado, here are a few ways I’m styling mine …

On it’s own with sneakers ~

I ordered my Quince dress in a small. I could probably have gone x-small, but prefer clothes on the looser side. And the shoulders are a perfect fit which is a primary consideration. I like this dress so much I might invest in a little tailoring to nip in the middle just a skoosh. I don’t hesitate to tailor pieces that I love and know will last.

Woman wearing white shirt dress and sneakers standing on patio with glass of wine.

I love the look of this dress with my new Time Off Sneakers, even though this photo is awful. It’s a great outfit for summer days.

Layered with sandals ~

Are two shirt dresses better than one? I decided to find out and layered a sand colored Quince shirt dress under the white dress. This is an advanced styling maneuver and I’m feeling pretty fashion forward. A blue pinstripe dress would make a fun base layer too.

Woman wearing a shirt dress pouring a glass of wine at patio table.

Belted with sandals ~

Look at me go!

Woman standing behind patio table wearing white shirt dress.

Adding a belt (this woven belt is stretchy and not at all constricting) kicks things up a notch and I’d feel comfortable wearing this look out for casual summer soirees. I’m wearing my new Sam Edelman raffia sandals (I’ve been wearing them everywhere). Ignore the mess behind me.


With woven accessories ~

Flat lay of layered shirt dressed with belt, sunglasses and a woven bag.


More White Shirt Dress Options ~


Other Ways to Wear a White Shirt Dress

As a pool or beach coverup ~

On our recent trip to Italy I bought a white linen shirt dress to wear over my bathing suit and shorts on a catamaran adventure. I also wore it with black linen pants around the resort and poolside.


As outerwear ~

Last year it dawned on me that a white shirt dress is a great alternative to a light jacket or cardigan over a summer maxi or wide leg pant.

With jeans or shorts … as an actual shirt ~

Woman wearing oversized white shirt and jeans.


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And there you have it, the versatility of a white shirt dress for summer.

White Shirt Dress Pin Collage.

How will you be wearing white this summer?

Shop the look ~

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Now let’s visit my friends to see what white pieces they’re styling for summer.




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    • Hi Linda, thanks for asking, no the dress isn’t see through. I layered it just as a means to zhush it up a bit. When I say it’s not see through, it’s also not totally opaque, but the material is sturdy enough that I felt no concern about transparency. Hope you have a lovely day. xo

  • I was already sold on shirt dresses and this just confirmed it! Love it styled with raffia accessories…so perfectly summer!

  • Juliet, your look lovely.
    I love the idea of layering 2 shirt dresses over one another! You could also add a cami or a t-shirt if you like the layered look.
    I think dresses are the percent piece of clothing, they are my favorite thing to wear…always, because it is one piece dressing and I never have to think about what to pair it with!

    Off to order this dress!

    See you Saturday!

    • Hi Elizabeth! As usual I’m late (to the shirt dress) party … but once I come around I’m all in. xoxo

  • Thank you for this post you have really inspired me. You look lovely in the various ways to utilize one item of clothing.

    • Thank you, Claudette, that’s so sweet of you to say. I hope you found some summer inspiration in our white roundup. xo

  • love the white Quince dress – just bought it! I am a big fan of shirt dresses and have had a few from the past years that I still wear!
    thank you for sharing all these cute outfits!

    • Dianne! I hope you love it. Now that I’m fully onboard with shirt dresses I’ll be wearing them all summer. Happy day! xo

  • Juliet! I love how you’ve layered your white shirt dress with a sand-colored shirt…two is better than one! Brilliant. And with woven accessories, it is so summery and beautiful!

    • Thanks, Annie … so fun doing this with you today. Love your skirt and shirt combo … so versatile and easy breezy! xo

  • Lovely looks thanks Juliet for the post and the inspiration! Might have to go to Quince now. Just bought their linen pants which are terrific and so amazingly priced.
    Happy summer !

    • Hi Francesca! I’m so impressed with Quince’s linen options … from bedding to pants and dresses. So good! xo

  • You make the shirt dress look good, but I can’t
    do them at all. I think because I am shorter and
    short waisted so it isn’t a good look at all.LOL.
    Might check the longer linen shirt as an
    alternative, Quince is a wonderful source
    for great linen! Love these posts and your blog!

    • Char! That’s what I thought too, but after my friend Kim (who’s an inch shorter than me) shared shirt dresses I decided to give them a try. And surprisingly they didn’t envelop me like I thought they would … I’m a convert. Thanks so much for you kind comment… much appreciated. xo

  • Juliet,
    You always look so adorable and fashionable! I’ve recently become a convert to shirt dresses. They are so comfortable and forgiving.

    I love the lip color you wear. It is just perfect, even with white qhich can be tough. Can you share your beans and color?

    • Hi Phylicia, I’m just a tad over 5’4″ so the dress is a little longer on me (which I like!). Thanks for asking, I hope that helps. xo

  • Hi Juliet!

    Love that beautiful Quince shirt dress on you! There is nothing more versatile and you styled it beautifully! I love white with rattan and straw so good!! You never disappoint!

  • Juliet, You look so chic in this cute dress! Fun idea layering it too. I really like the look as it is with the sneakers. It’s very preppy and cute on you! I think I will order one today for the cost! I like the black stripes version too.
    Fun post from you all!

    • Kim, I’m amazed at the quality for the cost. It would look darling on you, but very similar to your F&E dress. xo

  • Hi Juliet! I have always been a huge fan of the shirt dress — in any color! I think they are great for just wearing around the house in the summer. Comfy, cool, and easy! Never thought of layering two shirt dresses, though! You are definitely fashion forward!

  • Hi, I’m Juliet … welcome to Make Mine a Spritzer where we talk about all things home décor, classic style and more! I’m so happy you’re here!

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