Today on weekend meanderings, announcing the LifeStyled giveaway winners, reviving wooden spoons, a hearty, comforting winter soup recipe, and dreaming of Italy with Saint Spritz.
Happy Saturday, friends!
It’s time for the weekend post with Kim and Elizabeth. Our weekly roundup of inspirations and goings on.
Can you believe we’re entering the last week of January?! Our camellias are blooming and I feel the days getting a little longer. Spring will be here before we know it.
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Last week I told you about my two procedures to remove basal cell carcinoma from a tricky spot under my eye. I’m happy to report the bruising and swelling are much improved.
To add insult to injury I had more bad cells removed from my right arm on Tuesday. Ouch. I thought this would be the easier procedure … not so much. But the worst is over, I’m on the mend, and the lab results came back yesterday. All clear.
It’s been very cold here, and frosty in the mornings. I’m loving my new cashmere hoodie. It’s a welcome additional layer under my puffer jacket or vest during morning dog walks. When outdoors I’m hiding under a cap, or my new hat.
LifeStyled Giveaway! And the winner is …
Last week I announced a giveaway drawing … two copies of Shira Gill’s new book, LifeStyled: Your Guide to a More Organized & Intentional Life. All the entries were dropped into my hat and when Jim got home from his travels yesterday I asked him to draw two names. He asked if he could put his luggage down and make a cocktail first. Fine.
Thank you to everyone for enthusiastically participating and entering the drawing. And for sharing your ideas and outlooks for the New Year and beyond. There are so many wonderful stories, organization ideas, skincare recommendations and more. I enjoyed reading them. Your comments gave me several ideas for future blog topics … and I really love (and appreciate) that. A blogger friend once told me that the real action on a blog is in the comments section and she’s right.
Without further ado, the LifeStyled drawing winners are … Dawn and Paula! Congrats ladies! Look for an email from me later today and once I have your mailing addresses I’ll get the books in the mail early next week.
Hearty Winter Soup
Is there anything better than a hearty soup on a cold winter day? Obviously not. When I saw this Italian Sausage & Kale Soup with Tortellini on the Crazy Blonde Life blog I couldn’t wait to make it. And last weekend I did. It’s every bit as good as it looks, plus it’s super easy to make. Jim really liked it too and said it’s more of a stoup (part soup, part stew). I agree. The half-n-half added at the end really thickens it up. It makes a comforting and filling meal.
A bowl of soup needs a bread accompaniment, in my opinion, so I made biscuits. (The photo above is a repeat performance and the biscuits were long gone.) Anyway, I didn’t have the ingredients for my usual biscuits so I did a quick inter-web search and landed on 5 Ingredient Easy Drop Biscuits. Oh my gosh, easy is right and so good. Disclaimer – I never met a biscuit I didn’t like. When they came out of the oven I brushed them with melted butter and sprinkled a little flaked sea salt over the top. Whoever said you can’t live on bread – or biscuits – alone is sadly mistaken.
Reviving Wooden Spoons
Never in my life have I given a second thought to caring for my wooden spoons. Occasionally, while stirring pots, it occurs to me that my wooden spoons have seen better days. Recently my favorite wooden spoon fell into the garbage disposal – yes, it was on – and had to be tossed. Tragic.
When I came across an article in WireCutter (if it’s paywalled, I’m sorry) on reviving wooden spoons and utensils and I was off to the races. Turns out that caring for wooden spoons is pretty much the same as caring for wooden cutting boards. Jim’s in charge of cutting boards at our house so he had the stuff I needed. Well, two things, Boos Mystery Oil and Board Cream. Essentially food-grade mineral oil and beeswax.
Here are my older, most used, wooden utensils before and after. The results will look different depending on your utensils’ species of wood.
After Snowberry’s renovation, I bought a beautiful set of walnut spoons to complement our walnut countertops and cutting boards, but not wanting to sully them I left them untouched in a pretty crock and continued using my old, raggedy spoons.
Here are a couple of my newer, walnut spoons after revival. Even though they don’t get a lot of use, they still get dried out.
It’s an easy 3-step process.
- Thoroughly wash with unscented soap and allow to thoroughly dry. I think we all know not to put them in the dishwasher.
- Apply a few drops of food-grade mineral oil and rub all over the surface with a clean dishtowel or a paper towel. Let sit overnight so oil fully absorbs.
- After the oil is absorbed, using a paper towel rub in a dime-sized amount of food-grade beeswax. Let sit overnight again, rub off any excess and voila. The beeswax step isn’t necessary but helps lock in moisture.
- Repeat every few weeks to keep wooden utensils in best condition. This is ideal, I’ll consider myself on top of it if I do it a couple times a year.
Note: Toss wooden utensils that are cracked or splintered because they can absorb bacteria.
Saint Spritz ~ A Departure in Every Can
I don’t know about you but these cold January days have me day-dreaming of warm weather escapes. This time last year we were packing for our Ritz Carlton Yacht adventure. We don’t have any vacation plans on the calendar but we’re talking about a quick get-away to Mexico after Jim (finally) retires in April. And maybe another trip to Italy in June. Last June we visited Puglia, and the year before that we spent time in Lake Eseo and Lake Como. Ah, Mexico and Italy … two of my most loved destinations.
Until we can actually board a plane, I’ll have to rely on margaritas and spritzes to transport me temporarily to my favorite places. And, as if reading my mind, Saint Spritz reached out and asked if I’d like to try their premium wine spritzes. Hmmmm … let me think. YES!
Saint Spritz is a brand of wine spritzes created by sisters-in-law JoJo Fletcher and Mallory Patton. The Bachelor and Bachelorette fans (sorry, that’s not me) may recognize JoJo from seasons 20 and 12, respectively. Saint Spritz crafts three spritz flavors … Amalfi, Sicily, and Hugo. Say no more … I’m ready to fill my glass.
Of course, you don’t need a glass … there’s no measuring, mixing, shaking or stirring involved. I love a minimal-effort cocktail. Just grab a can from the refrigerator – or cooler – and you’re good to go.
We’re civilized people over here so I exerted myself, popped open the pretty cans (each can equals 2 spritzes, but my Zwiesel Pure wine glasses can handle an entire can) and poured them into a proper glasses over crushed ice.
And, because I’m extra I added proper garnish. Whew … that was exhausting. And just like that I’m in Italy … close your eyes, take a sip, you’ll swear you’re there too.
I garnished the Amalfi with a sprig of thyme and dried orange slice. And the Sicily with fresh basal and dried lemon slices.
The Hugo got a sprig of mint and dried lime slice.
Last year I shared this set of dried citrus slices that I bought for myself and ended up buying multiples for holiday hostess gift baskets. Anyway, it’s a gift that keeps on giving and the dried slices (orange, lemon, lime, and grapefruit) are so pretty in a cocktail. If you want the added flavor of fresh citrus, use both.
I enlisted Jim’s assistance to sip and discuss. As he likes to remind me, he’s a trained professional. Eye roll. We enjoyed all three flavors but agree the Hugo is our favorite.
To be totally honest, I always prefer to mix my own spritzes. But there are many times when the convenience of a short-cut is more than welcome. Parties, beach days, tailgates, the pool fridge, to name a few. And on the rare occasion – quelle horreur – I don’t have the right ingredients on hand to make my own. Check out the Saint Spritz website to order online or find in a local store.
This isn’t sponsored, paid for or any of that. Yes, the spritzes were a welcome (no-strings-attached) gift which I enjoyed and determined to be blog worthy.
Warning: Sips may cause the urge to book a flight. Ha!
The Day of the Jackal
You must think that all I do is watch TV. Not true. Sometimes I read. January is the month for hibernation and I am a champion hibernator. What’s my excuse the other 11 months? I’m an introverted homebody, and only leave the house under duress. Anyway, Jim and I watched another really good – very intense – series, The Day of the Jackal starring Eddie Redmayne and Lashanda Lynch. It’s a remake of the 1973 film of the same name, based on the 1972 book of the same name. I never saw the original film, I was 11 or 12 when it came out and my mom had a strict ‘no R-rated movies’ policy until I was 23. This adaption is a 10-episode, super intense, spy drama that ends with some unanswered questions. Not to worry, season two is in the works.
Apparently there’s also a 1997 film, Jackal, starring Bruce Willis and Richard Gere, loosely based on the original film. I don’t think I ever say it … but I might put it – and the original – on my watch list.
Cashmere Hoodie | Dried Citrus Garish| Flake Sea Salt
Walnut Spoons | Boos Oil & Cream
Odds & Socks ~
- Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and my friend Jen of The California Candle Co. has created a special edition candle called The Los Angeles: With Love. I’m gifting them to my nieces and DIL.”All profits support The American Red Cross for displaced families, the Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation for our firefighters, and The Pasadena Humane Society for affected pets.“If you’re local, Jen’s having a pop-up at favorite boutique Flaunt in Danville on Friday, January 31st. Can’t make it? Order online here.
- Following up on last week’s post, my tiny bottle (15ml) of Augustine’s Bader The Rich Cream arrived and I’ve been using it for a couple of days. So far so good but no overnight miracles. Sigh. It has no fragrance – excellent. It’s a little thick (not heavy) which makes it harder to apply. I’ve patted it on and spread it from there. In my experience, this is common with good, heavier moisturizer but it’s one of the reasons I’m not always a fan. So far I like it but the jury is out on whether it’s worth the expense.
Current Favorites ~
And that’s what I have for you this week. Let’s see what’s inspiring Kim and Elizabeth.
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