Fall Cocktail – Bourbon Spritz Recipe

How to make the Maker’s Mark Bourbon Spritz, the perfect cocktail for fall. 

Make a Bourbon Spritz Cocktail

Fall is my favorite season. I know a lot of you feel the same way. What is it about fall? I think it has something to do with childhood memories and the start of a new school year. The most significant events of my life all happened in the fall. And as each fall rolls around, I feel like magic can happen.

With a chill in the air, fall calls for a more substantial cocktail and I’ve got just the thing.

The Bourbon Spritz Cocktail

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Bourbon Spritz Drink Ingredients

Isn’t it pretty? Here’s the recipe from Maker’s Mark:

Make a Bourbon Spritz Cocktail

Bourbon Spritz

Maker's Mark
Course Drinks
Servings 1


  • 1 1/2 ounces Marker's Mark Bourbon
  • 1 ounce Aperol
  • 3/4 ounce Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice
  • Splash Simple Syrup
  • Prosecco
  • Orange Wedge


  • Fill a classic tumbler with ice
  • Add Marker's Mark Bourbon
  • Add Aperol
  • Add lemon juice
  • Add simple syrup and stir
  • Top with Prosecco
  • Garnish with orange wedge
Keyword Fall Cocktail

So easy and totally delicious.

Bourbon Spritz and oranges


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Bourbon Spritz Recipe


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So there you have it, a perfect fall cocktail, the Bourbon Spritz

Drinking Bourbon Spritz

If you’re in the mood for something lighter, try my favorite fall cocktail, the Aperol Spritz or my year-round favorite, the Classic White Wine Spritzer.


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    • Thanks, Jane … aren’t you happy this week finally came to a close. Are you a fan of our Anthropology store? I’m only just truly discovering it! xo

  • I watched your video on this drink……….MUST GIVE IT A GO!
    I noticed too you wearing long MAXI dresses A LOT!I ADORE THAT LOOK………….
    WE stayed in JACKSON for NEW YEARS EVE ONE YEAR!Let me know how the meat turned out!
    THE DOGWOODS were not put in when I was there!
    Richard did that on my STREET with a neighbors house I need to point out to YOU!Second house on the RIGHT as you come up the street.I LOVE THAT GARDEN TOO!One day I may take the PLUNGE and have him do ours but I have too many FURRY PETS buried in the FRONT YARD!!!!!I cannot get over the idea of DISTURBING THEM.
    I’m ODD in that way……….XX

    • Thank you, Contessa! I thought this week called for a more substantial cocktail. Right?! I’m intrigued to see your neighbors garden. Anything Richard and Shari touch turns to garden gold. I didn’t know this about your pets … you’re not odd at all! I’m very sentimental our former four legged family member and now that we’re settled permanently I’m going to find a spot for them in our garden or hillside. Loving the dogwoods … this is my first experience with them after admiring them from afar. Happy weekend and cheers! xo

      • You’re welcome 🙂 Yes, thankfully the rain came & washed away the smoke. Some of our family near Santa Cruz had to evacuate but they are safe & were able to return home.

        • Thank goodness for that. The Santa Cruz fire was dreadful. We have rain in the forecast this Friday (it was nearly 100 again today) and I hope it’s true. Of course, I was planning on photographing our new gardens that day. But, I’ll take the rain! xo

  • Hi Juliet,
    Your dress and drink seem perfect for these early fall, hot days! Can’t wait to see more of your garden, you’ve had so much done and I know it is fabulous. Wait til next year when things have grown in! So fun planting things and watching them grow!
    Hope your air has cleared up and you get some relief from the heat soon.
    XO Heidi

    • Heidi – thank you! This dress was one of those things where I saw it, loved it AND it fit! The stars aligned! I almost can’t wait for next spring to see how the garden matures … it’s been a long journey and we’re thrilled to be enjoying the yard. Wish it wasn’t quite so hot … but we’ll take it. Our air has been a lot clearer today. Hope yours is as well. I saw an report that the fire in your area is now 100% contained! What a scare you went through.xo

  • Maker’s Mark is my favorite! I need to get the Aperol and make some of this! it sounds delicious!

    • It’s just heartbreaking, isn’t it. The Napa/Sonoma fires is now under control thank goodness. But we’re having another high fire danger week. Hoping for the best. xo

    • Thanks, Carol … our outdoor landscape project is just finishing up and we love it. Hoping to spend a lot of time out there this fall. xo

  • Hi, I’m Juliet … welcome to Make Mine a Spritzer where we talk about all things home décor, classic style and more! I’m so happy you’re here!

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