My Coastal Grandmother Summer & A Few Other Things … It’s the Weekend

Today on Weekend Meanderings, little black dresses for travel, a carpet hack and my coastal grandmother summer.

Happy weekend, friends!

It’s Saturday and I’m joining Kim and Elizabeth for Weekend Meanderings.

Our weekly roundup of inspiration and goings on.

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Loard's Ice Cream Parlor.

Did you have a great 4th of July?

Loards ice cream sundae in Orinda.

It’s fun to have a long weekend.

But short weeks throw me off.

Its all a blur, so let’s jump right it.



It was a short week but I managed to get an Everything I Wore in Italy post on the blog. If you missed it, catch up here.

Quick video of all my looks here. Oh, and a brief tour of Lake Iseo here.



Also mentioned in my everything I wore post is how great little black dresses are for travel. One LBD can be worn in many ways from beach cover up to strolling around to evenings out … with a few accessories – belts, bags, hats – added or taken away.


I also love a LBD for plane travel … a looser dress for long haul flights. And preferably below the knee in length, but not full maxi because airport and airplane bathrooms. Ugh. I just bought this tiered dress from Amazon The Drop, it’s a Jenni Kayne dupe. Add a sweater or jacket it’s ideal for a plane. It comes in a ton of color options.

Tiered Dress | Sandals



Last weekend Jim and I rotated our great room area rug. It wasn’t easy … it’s big and very heavy. I’ve been wanting to do it for a while to distribute the wear and tear. Two recent accidents, one involving Jim dropping a bowl of bean dip and the other involving one of our dogs, we had the carpet professionally cleaned so it was the perfect time to rotate.

Man on hands and knees looking underneath family room table.

A big issue resulting from rotating a rug is furniture indentations. Jim tried two methods to remove them. The first involves a wet rag and medium heat iron. Cover the indentations with a wet rag, then put the medium iron down for a few second and repeat multiple times. Do not leave the iron down for more than a few seconds. This worked marginally well. What really did the trick … ice cubes. Place a row of ice cubes over the indentations and walk away. Once melted, the indentations magically vanish. Blot up any excess water.

The second issue we had is the small slit in the carpet where our behind-the-sofa lamp plugs into the floor outlet. Jim measured before we rotated the rug and determined the slit would end up under the coffee table. He then made a new slit (using a box cutter) and voila, order is (somewhat) restored.

Picture looking into great room and back of woven sofa table.

As Martha Stewart says, you must always have the proper tools. And we have several sets of these furniture moving pads that make moving heavy pieces (like coffee tables) easy without damaging floors.  Also we have lots of white rags on hand for cleaning up carpet (and other) oopsies. Maggie would like me to clarify this is the first accident she’s had since she was a small puppy. And there were extenuating circumstances.



While many of you embark on another Hot Girl Summer, I’m over here enjoying a Coastal Grandmother Summer. This is a variation of the outfit I’ve been wearing all week, anchored by my favorite J.Crew cropped white denim. On the two days it heated up I switched the jeans for Bermuda shorts.

Woman wearing black t-shirt and white jeans standing next to table in backyard.

White Denim | Black Tee | Sandals | Sunnies

I love these jeans so much I wanted to order another pair but they’re out of my size. Believe me I’ll be monitoring the inventory situation closely. If they’re out of your size too, these are a few similar options.


I like the style so much I ordered them in regular denim too. I chose the petite sizing. I’m 5’4″ and a cropped pant on a model will easily be full-length on me.



Yes, I have Italy on my mind … and ever since our return I’ve been enjoying Aperol Spritz at home. And last night was cocktail night (video here).

Woman standing in the garden with Aperol Spritz.

Aperol Spritz is easy to make … with only three ingredients + garnish. Prosecco, Aperol and Club Soda in portions of 3, 2, 1 (as in ounces). Because I like my drinks on the lighter side, half the regular recipe makes a perfectly sized appertivo for me. Jim likes the full-strength, adult portion.

Aperol Spritz and cheese plate on backyard table in front of fountain.

Traditionally Aperol Spritz are served in stemmed white wine glasses like these. But here at Snowberry anything goes. A stemless wine glass, an heirloom glass, a glass glass. It doesn’t matter, just enjoy.

I have a couple of Aperol Spritz posts on the blog … the traditional recipe here … and the grapefruit variation here. Cin Cin.

In other news ~

Kim and I did an Instagram Live last week. We saved the recording and you can watch it here.

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And that’s what I have for you this week.

Let’s see what’s inspiring Kim and Elizabeth …




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If you missed my last post, you can catch up here. You’ll find all my weekend roundup posts collected here.

You can also follow along on Instagram and Pinterest.

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    • Hi Lillian, It’s a Jenni Kayne sweater. This is the current version … they are pricey, but great quality and a long, lasting, classic piece. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for being here! xo

  • Juliet! I LOVED the photos of Loard’s. I have not thought about it in decades. Went there throughout my childhood. Their lime sherbet is still my benchmark for what lime sherbet should be. Reminded me too of all the horrible hub-bub when Orinda officially became a city, rather than a town, and the new group in charge wanted to have Loards remove their sign because it was pink, and they didn’t feel pink was a good image for Orinda. Thankfully saner heads prevailed. Thank you for sharing today – brought back so many fun, fun memories.

    • Oh my gosh, Beth … I had no idea of that history. And I’m embarrassed to say we’ve only just discovered Loard’s. Growing up in Lafayette, I was a Baskins Robbin’s girl (I know, so boring) and Lippert’s (my first job) in WC. I’m still sad it’s gone. Anyway, now that we know, we’ll be supporting Loard’s on the regular! Happy weekend! xo

    • That is interesting information I DIDNOT know!
      The decor about town needs HELP AND LOARDS IS A LANDMARK!
      Glad they left it as is!

  • Hi Juliet! Your coastal grandmother summer looks and sounds absolutely perfect to me. Good for you for rotating your rug. Seems like too much work to me, haha! Have a great week!

    • Molly! It is a lot of work and if it hadn’t been for the oopsies forcing the issue I’d still be thinking about it! 😉 Have a wonderful weekend! xo

  • Thanks for a slice of ‘real life’ rotating your rug w/ its trials and tribulations, Juliet. I enjoy hearing how other people cope with life’s little (real) issues and seeing the photo of Jim measuring stuff, the cut to accommodate the floor outlet, the ice cube solution: good stuff!

    Seeing your two pups roaming the freshly cleaned rug reminded me of when we last had our wool living room rug cleaned… we put it back down and within an evening and following morning, our poodle and our kitty had both ‘done something’ to it! Absolutely atypical for both! But the fresh rug in the middle of their territory could not be overlooked. It never happened again. Pets — we love them so!

    BTW, my first real job at 16 was at Swensen’s Ice Cream : did you have one in the East Bay?

    • Joan! We sure do love our pets … and life revolves around them! Swensen’s sounds very familiar but I don’t think we had one close by. My first job was at Lippert’s in Walnut Creek … it closed down decades ago, but I still miss it. Have a wonderful weekend! xo

  • Hi Juliet,
    I so admire how you and Jim went about rotating your white wool carpet together.
    That was NOT an easy undertaking. You both were so brave. You both have excellent “know how,” having the proper tools and know how is a big help. The carpet looks beautiful. Bravo to you both on a job very well done.
    Wow when you showed the picture of Loard’s it started to twig childhood memories. Loard’s I believe opened their first store front in 1950 on MacArthur Blvd. in Oakland. I remember the name and I think as a child (yes I’m vintage) we went several times for a treat. Ice cream was always in our freezer, and ice milk (not so yummy) that was for my mama along with lots of skim milk that we always had.
    The other wonderful ice cream parlor in Oakland was Edy’s (spelling?) My beautiful grandmother took me to lunch in her fancy Cadillac. I always got all dressed up. Of course spending the night with my grandparents was a time to be really spoiled, or maybe I should say “loved on.”
    Wow, I got a little carried away, being sentimental it just brought back some great memories and joyful times.
    A great post Juliet as usual.

    • Katherine, thanks for the history lesson. And, yes, I remember ice milk. Yuk. What was the other famous ice cream parlor in Oakland? Fenton’s? Used to have a long line. xo

  • I have your black dress in bright pink!! Perfect for summer!!great post! I love the white pants!!

  • Juliet,
    I am still swooning over your beautiful Italian holiday. I have not been to that part of Italy and have it on my list now. Your outfits looked beautiful.
    As for a LBD, it is a wardrobe staple and as you say there are so many ways to dress it up or down.
    How is the quality of the Amazon dress? It looks beautiful on you! I am thinking if getting it in the fuchsia and was curious about the material.
    Jim is fastidious just like my husband and moving and rotating the rugs is something that we do as well. They are so heavy! I had read about the ice cub trick years ago in Martha Stewart magazine(miss that magazine) and it works every time.
    As for coastal grandmother, that is my favorite style. It has been so hot here. I do not think I have worn jeans since April. Enjoy your beautiful summer, cool or hot, Fall is slowly creeping into the stores. I saw Halloween candy yesterday!
    Take care Juliet,
    xo Elizabeth

  • Juliet Loards looks wonderful! I wish we had one down here! I love your coastal grandmother look and I’m with you those kind of cropped jeans are my favorite. I have two pairs from J.Crew but I’ve got to check out yours and see if I need to add another.! I’ve been wearing pants way more this summer than I ever have. Of course you can never have enough white jeans. Mine last about one wearing!

    You and Jim are so good rotating your rugs. Max would run away if I asked him to do that so it rarely happens in my house. But for the cost of these nice carpets, it’s worth maintaining them. I have also done the ice cubes and had good luck
    I love those black sandals in that cute Amazon dress. I’m gonna go check that out now. I get so cold on airplane so I’m always impressed when people can wear dresses! You look much cuter arriving though. Agree black dresses are just so good.
    Hoping you have a lovely weekend !! xo

    • Kim, I’m always cold on an airplane too. I still like wearing a dress (for shorter trips to warmer climates) with a big sweater, and of course plane socks! xo

  • Hi Juliet,
    You look so cute in your “coastal grandmother” look. Although I don’t see where the grandmother part comes in. Just coastal chic if you ask me. Anyway.
    That rug of yours is enormous. I just rolled up mine from the living room and it’s only 8×10 and I could barely move it. Yikes. They weigh a ton!
    Aperol spritz on the menu for tonight! I have all the ingredients and deserve something a little special. Although a Kir Royale remains my favorite drink!
    Enjoy your Sunday,
    Xo Heidi

  • Hi Juliet,
    Yes, you are right on Fenton’s was a famous
    ice creme parlor with the long lines. I totally forgot about them. Maybe they are still in business. Now, wouldn’t that be nice.

  • Jealous of your coastal grandma summer – you look great! We are out of sweaters and jeans until late September over here! Picture very baggy linen and shorts…

  • Hi, I’m Juliet … welcome to Make Mine a Spritzer where we talk about all things home décor, classic style and more! I’m so happy you’re here!

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