Sailing Goats, Summer Salads & What Would Abigail Adams Think?

Today on weekend meanderings, as we wrap up Independence Day celebrations I can’t help but wonder what Abigail Adams would think? A visit to the Sailing Goat Restaurant in Point San Pablo Harbor and an everything-but-the-kitchen sink summer salad from my garden.

Happy weekend friends! It’s time for the weekend post with Kim and Elizabeth, our weekly roundup of inspirations and goings on.

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Wow, 4th of July has come and gone and it’s one of those weeks where I have no idea what day it is. Many of you probably feel the same way … in the best possible holiday-in-the-middle-of-the-week kind of way. Yesterday around 4:00pm it dawned on me that this post was due today. Oops. Of course I had nothing prepared. So this preamble is my way of managing (lowering) expectations for today’s topics.

A huge thank you to all of you who entered last week’s A Happier Life giveaway! I was overwhelmed by all your comments and it took several hours to properly respond to every one. I’m excited to announce that Nancy in Chapel Hill, NC is the winner … yay, Nancy! It was naive of me to think I could  get the book to her before the 4th, but I hope it’s arrived by now, or today. But back to your comments, it was so much fun to hear about your plans for the summer. Many of you are traveling to some pretty incredible places and everyone is looking forward to slowing down and spending time with family and friends. Me too!

In the spirit of Independence Day, let’s kick things off with one of my favorite woman in history …


What Would Abigail Adams Think?

Recent events have me thinking more and more of our country’s founding father’s – and mother’s – and what they would make of our current state of affairs. I love history, US history in particular, although I won’t pretend to be an expert or anything more than slightly aware. I also love a good biography which brings me to Abigail Adams … probably my favorite, and most admired, historical figure. Abigail was a woman ahead of her time, married to a man who loved and treasured her, and respected her and her opinions. Abigail, alongside her husband, and countless others of that time, sacrificed much during the decades long fight for independence and formation of our new government. During those years, and throughout their long relationship and marriage, Abigail was her husband’s greatest confident. Politically aware and socially conscious Abigail kept up a prolific correspondence with her husband that helped inform his views and policies.

Photo of books on home library shelf.

As I scanned our shelves this week in search of my favorite Abigail Adams biography it occurred to me that Abigail’s most famous quote is as relevant today as it was in March 1776 when she wrote to her husband …

“I long to hear that you have declared an independency. And, by the way, in the new code of laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would remember the ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. Remember, all men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation.”

Open book with bookmark in center.

Phyllis Lee Levin’s biography, Abigail Adams, is over 30 years old, but that’s okay, Abigail hasn’t made any new news since then. Rereading this favorite bio, and refreshing myself on our country’s history and the path our forebears walked so that we would live free from tyranny, is always a good idea.

Abigail Adams biography book cover.

Abigail Adams

So much has been written about Abigail including recently released The Unexpected Abigail Adams: A Woman “Not Apt to be Intimidated” by John L. Smith, Jr. and, in Abigail and John’s own words, My Dearest Friend: Letters of John and Abigail Adams.

The Unexpected Abigail Adams | My Dearest Friend

In related news, Abigail’s birthplace in Weymouth, Massachusetts, maintained by the Abigail Adams Historical Society, and restored about 10 years ago is available for tours by appointment.

Abigail Adams birthplace.

Abigail Adams Historical Society

Sailing Goat Resaurant

Yesterday Jim and I trekked to Point San Pablo Harbor in Richmond to escape the heat and check out the Sailing Goat, a rustic, Bay front restaurant I’ve been wanting to visit since it opened just over a year ago. Turns out it was not cooler by the water, and my camera promptly overheated and the screen went dark. I tried to take as many photos as I could by pointing the camera in the general direction and hoping for the best. So again, lowering exceptions …

The Sailing Goat Restaurant entrance.

The Sailing Goat’s seating is all outdoors … with a covered deck filled with tables and a small stage for weekend music. The dining deck overlooks a small marina filled with sailboats and some interesting houseboats. The menu features seafood favorites, like clam chowder, mussels, fish and chips (which Jim enjoyed) as well as other items (I had a delicious Ethiopian spiced chicken and couscous) and wood-fired pizzas. We took a pizza home for dinner. They have a lovely wine and beer list and offer several brunch items on Saturday’s and Sunday’s. They offer a few desserts too and we said yes to the chocolate bread pudding. Yum!

After lunch we took a short walk along the marina to get a closer look at the sailboats and houseboats.

Sailboats in San Pablo Harbor.

Houseboat docked at.

Interesting art sculptures can be found round the harbor and I understand they’re even prettier lit up at night.

Cat sculpture in San Pablo Harbor.

Getting there and a few points of interest on the way …

Point San Pablo Harbor is 25 minutes from our house. About a 45 minute drive. Directions here. Exiting 580 at Point Molate (just before the Richmond San Rafael Bridge toll gates) will put you onto Stenmark Drive for a windy, coastal drive through Chevron Refinery property. You’ll pass Point Molate and the historic, brick buildings that made up Winehaven, an enormous winemaking facility established after the 1906 earthquake and used up to prohibition. In 1941 the US Navy purchased the property and established a refueling depot. It was closed in the 1990’s along with nearly all of our Bay Area’s military bases.

Winehaven from the water.

Another fascinating site on the way to the Sailing goat are rows of boarded up turn-of-the-century Victorian cottages used to house Winehaven and military families. It’s sad to see these cottages in such a debilitated state. I wish we showed more reverence for history by preserving these treasures or finding new uses for them.

Winehaven cottages.

Before reaching the Point San Pablo Harbor and the Sailing Goat you’ll see the East Brother Light Station off to the left. The lighthouse, on a small island, built in 1873 is now a unique bed and breakfast. How fun would it be to stay there?!

East Brother Light Station.

aspenrock/Getty Images/iStockphoto

The Sailing Goat is open Friday, Saturday and Sunday 11:30 – 8:30pm with live music all three nights. Hours change with the seasons so be sure to follow their Instragam for current hours and music schedule. We’ll definitely be back, but the next time it will be for sunset views and live music.

Woman sitting on beach at Point San Pablo Harbor.

Summer Salad Days

Did I mention it’s been hot? And who wants to cook in the heat? Ugh, not me. Fortunately, we have more lettuce than we know what to do with thanks to our raised bed garden. So it’s been a lot of no-cook salads for us. Last week I made one using up everything but the kitchen sink. I even roasted an ear of corn and tossed it in. Jim says I add corn to everything. That’s not true, but if I can I do.

Anyway, here’s what I tossed in (asterisk next to things from our garden) …

  • Mix of Butter Lettuce, Red Salad Bowl Lettuce & Little Gems & Arugula*
  • Diced Chicken Breast
  • Crispy Bacon
  • Diced Red Pepper
  • Shred Carrots
  • Toasted Pinenuts
  • Radishes*
  • Scallions*
  • Bush Beans*
  • Sharp Cheddar
  • Roasted Sweet White Corn

For dressing,  I tossed everything in olive oil, added salt and tossed again, then added a few dashes of balsamic vinegar and juice of 1/2 a lemon.


Current Favorites ~


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And that’s what I have for you today. Let’s see what’s inspiring Kim and Elizabeth.



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In case you missed it, last week I shared a few summer necessities, a body moisture duo, beach read and Serena & Lily’s July sale (which is still happening!) … catch up here.

Cheers from Snowberry!

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  • Good morning Juliet. It has been a hot and fun week here in the South. I am a little tired from all of the fun to be honest, and the heat can certainly drain you.

    Abigail Adams in a fascInating woman, I had not heard of Phyllis Lee Levin’s biography. I am going to order a copy. I to love history but mostly read French and English. I am particularly fascinated with Louis XIV “The Sun King” and the French Revolution.
    Your salad looks delicious! How wonderful to have a garden full of beautiful, nutritious vegetables. I agree with you, corn, especially roasted goes with anything.
    I like to make corn, tomato and rice salad, I put tuna on top for my husband.
    Another easy dinner you could try, fresh tomatoes chopped, add lots of basil and a little feta cheese, top with salt, pepper and olive oil, add hot pasta and voila, dinner.
    The Sailing Goat looks like a great place to listen to music, and enjoy an afternoon. I love all of the statues. I haven’t sailed in years but seeing the boats makes me want to get back out on the water. A few years ago Bill though it would be a great idea for us to live on a sail boat, thankfully he put that notion to the side after doing a 1000 mile trip.
    My dad was in the Coast Guard and lived in a light house for several years. He would be in the light house for 3 weeks then on land for a week. He loved it.
    What a shame to see all of that land, factories and beautiful houses just sitting vacant. Is it still owned by the military, are there any plans to develop it or to restore it?
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend, stay cool.
    Happy belated 4th of July to you and Jim.

  • Juliet, Thank you for sharing Abigail Adams. She was ahead of her time. I need to read one of these books. I honestly had no idea about her.
    That line about ‘putting unlimited power in the hands of husbands’ seems to be just what has happened with the overturning of Roe and our healthcare choices and also letting the president now have power without consequences… So backwards and upsetting.

    Richmond looks pretty and charming. I can’t believe we have never been! It’s on my list.
    I love your salad idea. We too have been having them so much. I am going to add more corn now! It’s so good this year. ‘
    Hope you have a lovely weekend and stay cool. xo

  • Juliet! I can always count on you to give me a flash from my past. Today I was thrilled to see your bookmarker from good ol’ Books Inc in W.C. To this day, I can’t tell you how many treasures I found there, and I still have each and every one. Many of course now long out of print, making them extra special. Most are biographies and super design books from “back in the day”. What a fabulous store. Thank you as always for a great post – so much fun to follow you back in my old stomping ground….. (Formerly Orinda and Lafayette, now in New Orleans).

    • Oh my gosh, Beth … I love that you noticed the bookmark. Made me smile too. What led you to Nola?! xo

  • Hi Juliet,
    Love the Abigail Adam’s quote on male tyranny and women needing to be assertive. I just adored the series with Laura Linney and Paul Giamatti. Your “day away” looks beautiful!!

    • Francesca, thanks for reminding me of the series. It was so good and I may have to watch it again. Hope you had a great 4th. xo

  • Thank you for introducing us to the Flying Goat and the history near by. It may be just the right half way spot to meet with my son, DIL and grandson. It looks like there is something for everyone. Your pictures came out beautifully. Love your posts.

    • Hi Cristi … thanks for your kind words. If you do decide to visit the Goat, a couple of cautions. It is quite a ways out … and it’s very very rustic. I loved it and will definitely go back. Very cool local hidden treasure. xo

  • Hi Juliet! I am impressed! I would have thrown in the towel if I hadn’t started my weekly post until 4pm! You did great! Too bad John didn’t listen to his wife about including women in government… Sounds like a fun outing to the coast, but it does look hot. Come join me in foggy cool Maine! Glad the bunnies haven’t eaten all your garden veggies. Your salad sounds delicious! Have a lovely week!

  • Hi Juliet,

    Lovely post, and a great reminder of Abigail Adams. She was indeed a woman who was not intimidated to speak her voice. Great rallying cry for women to speak out today with all that is going on. Point Richmond is a cute little funky town to visit. I love lighthouses, and indeed it would be fun to visit. I’m glad you ended up getting a good harvest of lettuces from your garden. Did Jim ever catch the critter bandit on his camera? Stay cool the next few days. It’s expected to be 114 here in Sac foothills. . I just pray that there are no additional wildfires.

    • Hi Karen, you’re right, and isn’t it sad that Abigail’s words still strike a cord 250 years later. We’re moving in the wrong direction and I hope our next election helps us right the ship. Oh my goodness, 114 is way too hot. Poor you. I hope it’s cooled off a bit as it has for us in the last couple of days. I’m keeping an eye on the wildfires too, so scary. Prayers for all in harms way. xo

  • Hi Juliet,

    Wow, Abigail Adams is my type of lady. I embrace everything she stood for that you shared. Abigail was way ahead of her time. A beautiful lady because she had strength and personality. An exceptional person. Thank for sharing.

    Sailing Goat looked like a fun place to have a lunch date with your honey.

    So nice you can live off the wonderful goodies in your garden. Home grown is the best.

    • Katherine, rereading my favorite Abigail Adams biography reminds me of how many ways she was ahead of her time with her thinking and the initiative she took to express those view to her her husband and other prominent men of the day (Thomas Jefferson). Truly remarkable. Hope you had a great 4th! xo

  • Enjoyed your post. Boy the grass does not grow under your feet. Something is going on all the time. Would some day like to try The Sailing Goat.

  • Hi Juliet,
    I loved reading about the First Ladies back when I was in middle school. And I remember Abigail Adams being my favorite, for so many reasons! She was fierce and determined and super smart and a true support to her husband, as he was to her. A great marriage, and great partnership.
    Isn’t it nice to get down to the water, especially on a hot day? Luckily we have the ocean breezes, which I imagine were lacking the day you went to the harbor. But it’s still a pretty great escape to be by the water imo.
    I’ve been making salads for dinner almost exclusively this past week. I throw in corn and don’t bother to cook it, i just cut it off the cob and it is delicious! Anything and everything go into my salads, just like yours. Only I don’t have homegrown lettuce this year. The critters discovered my planter boxes and devoured everything last year, I decided it wasn’t worth the effort to grown my own when the fields are just a few miles down the road! I get great produce from the farmer’s market every week.Last night I made a Caprese salad with peaches, tomatoes, watermelon, cherries and strawberries, with burrata cheese and homegrown basil. OMG it was delicious! This is making me hungry, what shall I throw together tonight?
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend. I thought it was Sunday yesterday, I’m all confused.
    Xo Heidi

    • Heidi … you’r making me hungry too! We’ve had some critter issues that have wrecked havoc on many of our veggies this year and I wondered the same thing … with so many great farmers markets why are we putting ourselves through this agony?! Hope you enjoy the rest of your long holiday weekend. I think we’re all clear that today is Monday! xo

  • It looks like you found a good way to beat the heat. Your garden is doing wonderfully. Down here -I can only grow lettuce till about May. Then it gets too hot and it all bolts. Stay cool!!

    • Hi Martha … our lettuce plants benefit from our gardening getting a lot of shade. Not great for most summer veggies, but the lettuces love it. Bolting lettuce is very pretty though, right?! Ha! xo

  • Hey Juliet,
    Did you ever receive my email letting you know I made your “Raspberry Cornmeal Crumble?” I made it for our wedding anniversary on July 4th. I shared some with my neighbor. I can see why your beautiful niece Sophie’s favorite dessert when she was a youngster.
    I loved it too, I will bake it again.

    • Hi Katharine! I’m so excited you made it and enjoyed. It’s so easy and a go-to dessert for summer. I inadvertently deleted my entire email box last week. Ugh. And slowly I’ve been learning what I may have missed out on. Hope you had a great 4th! xo

  • Hi Juliet – wow, Abigail Adams and that quote for the win! I had no idea of her history and now I’m reserving library books about her. Thank you for opening my eyes to this. Next time I visit my son and DIL in Boston, I’ll ask them to schedule a visit for us to her birthplace.

    When the heat gets like it has been this last week, there really isn’t much relief to be found. I’m glad you checked out the restaurant anyway – the food and ambiance look comfortable and casual. And, you look delightfully cool in your sundress and slides!

    I like that your week was relaxed and not so scheduled. It was a good week for it.

    Enjoy your salads – they are refreshing and healthy.


    • Hi Janet! You son lives in Boston?! Next time you go plan to visit the Adams National Historic Site too … the birthplace of John Adams, John & Abigails children as well as the house they lived in in their later years. All three houses in Quincy. I visited them in the 90’s and would love to go back. It’s cooled off a little bit over here. Hope it’s the same situation for you! xo

  • Fun post for last minute. My expectations are never low with you. I would love to have a garden.
    Will you share your darling blue sundress source? You look cool even in the heat! THX

    • Hi Cathy, thanks for your kind words. My sundress is from Madewell last year. No longer available, sadly … this is one I’ve and my eye on and very similar to another dress I have. I guess I gravitate toward the same things. Ha! Hope you have a great week. xo

  • Such a good post! I enjoyed reading it. Like you, I am very interested in Abigail Adams. After the John Adams HBO miniseries some years back, my interest in both of the Adams was increased. Love the history. Thanks for adding it.

  • Don’t you love a great garden salad where you use what you have? I have been to Abigail Adams home in Weymouth but it was long ago. Sounds like I need to read the book!

  • Hello Juliet, I’m just getting to reading last week’s posting as I’ve been on vacation, so I always love seeing your weekly updates! Do you have a link please to the blue dress you are wearing in your photo while on a visit to the Sailing Goat? Perfect for these hot and humid days in NJ. Thank you!

  • Hi, I’m Juliet … welcome to Make Mine a Spritzer where we talk about all things home décor, classic style and more! I’m so happy you’re here!

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