Summer Book, Summer Moisturizer, Summer Sale

Today on weekend meanderings, we’re chatting about a mega moisture duo that I’m loving and think you will too, a much anticipated summer book launch (and giveaway!), Ralph Lauren’s Team USA Collection, and Serena & Lily’s July sale.

Happy weekend friends! It’s time for the weekend post with Kim and Elizabeth, our weekly roundup of inspirations and goings on.

This article includes affiliate links; if you click on a shopping link and make a purchase I may receive a commission. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Scenes from my week collage.

Tomorrow is the last day of June. What?! I thought the year got off to a slow start and then … fast forward and it’s half over.

I’ve been caught flat footed with regard to the 4th of July. I have nothing to offer in terms of ideas for eating, drinking or celebrating because I’ve given it no thought. Clearly. Thankfully, many others are on top of it so there’s no shortage of inspiration and ideas out there. I’ve linked a couple in Odds & Socks. But, this isn’t your first rodeo 4th of July and you know what to do.

I don’t think I left the house all week. I’m serious. I woke up Monday feeling panicked and overwhelmed, like the world was coming to an end. A clear sign that a timeout – or reset – is in order. Jim was out of town which made my reclusive ways easier to pull off. It turned out to be a nice staycation and I feel much better now.

Also on Monday I managed to delete my email inbox. The entire thing. How? I have no idea, but, whoosh, it’s gone. I suppose if anyone truly needs me they’ll follow up.

Things can only get better from here so let’s get the frivolity underway …


Summer Whites

The highlight of my week was joining Annie, Cindy and Mary Ann to style our favorite summer whites. I chose a white shirt dress. Why? Because I’ve seen so many cute ones on other bloggers recently (I’m talking to you Cindy and Kim) and wanted to give them a chance. I guess I thought a shirt dress would look boxy and unflattering on my not-tall-and-willowy frame. So I dipped my toe into the shirt dress waters with Quince’s 100% European Linen Shirt Dress. The price is right so it was low risk … and guess what? I’m a convert. I styled mine three ways and you can see how here.

Woman wearing layered shirt dresses with arms crossed.

Shop ~


A few questions from the comments section of that post:

  • How tall am I? 5’4-1/4″ … so the dress is a little longer on me which I like.
  • Is the dress see through? No. It’s not entirely opaque either. I layered it for fun, not because there’s a transparency issue.
  • What lipstick am I wearing? Revlon’s Colorstay Lip Liner (I use it as a full coverage lipstick) in nude, and Glo Skin Beauty’s gloss in naked.


Osea Body Moisture Duo

Body moisturizer isn’t something I’ve always been good about. Having been through the trauma of oily skin as a teen, my twenty’s … and beyond, moisture was my enemy. Or so I thought. And I neglected my body too. I got over that hiccup ten or more year ago and since then have tried a gazillion body moisturizers –  there are so many that I like. Recently I’ve felt that my skin is getting dryer, thinner and – quel horreur – crepey. I wanted to add a layer of body oil underneath my moisturizer decided to give Osea’s products a try. I’ve been using their Mega Moisture Duo for a few months and I love it so much I just placed a reorder.

Osea Moisture Duo Brand Photo.

Osea Mega Moisture Duo

You can also buy each individually. The Algae Body Oil (in three sizes), and the Collagen Body Lotion (in two sizes; and you can order scented or fragrance free). I should also mention their Bodycare Travel Set that was a godsend on our recent trip to Italy.

Bodycare Travel Set

First let me say that I’ve become a huge fan of the Osea brand … a clean beauty brand … you can learn more about them here. A few months ago I bought their Advanced Repair Eye Cream and I like it a lot. I’m running low on my night time moisturizer (I’ve been using Jones Road which I like, but it’s a little heavy for me – weird because it’s called ‘light”.) and I just I ordered Osea’s Advanced Protection Cream. When it arrives and I’ve had a chance to try it I’ll let you know what I think. I also just ordered the Salt of the Earth Body Scrub. As I run low on other products I’ll probably dip my toe further into Osea’s product line.


But back to the body moisture. For those of you that use body oil, you may know it can be hard to apply to dry skin. I feel like I’m pulling or stretching – not good. Suddenly it dawned on me that, similar to facial moisturizer, if I apply it when slightly damp it will glide on without a struggle. Hello?! So now I take the oil and moisture into the shower and apply it while I’m still soaking wet (I actually stand on my towel so the oil doesn’t get drip onto tile creating a slip & slide situation or a cleaning nightmare. Oil first, moisturizer on top … it goes on like a dream and I use a lot less product this way. Is this totally obvious? Well, I thought I’d share because it was a light bulb moment for me.


A Happier Life by Kristy Woodson Harvey … Giveaway!

Kristy Woodson Harvey’s latest novel, A Happier Life was released this week. You probably know Kristy from her OG blog (alongside her mom, Beth Woodson), Design Chic, in addition to her delightful novels. I preordered A Happier Life and then was surprised with an advanced copy … which I read immediately and loved. The copy I pre-ordered arrived this week so let’s do a giveaway!

A Happier Life book on beach towel next to beach bag, sunglasses, sunscreen and a cold drink.

A Happier Life

Giveaways are so fun and the timing is perfect. Summer days are here and A Happier Life is best enjoyed at the beach, or poolside. Or in my case, on the patio and cozied up in bed. Anywhere you read it you’re going to lose yourself in this delightful book set in the charming, seaside town of Beaufort, North Carolina (where Kristy lives with her family). It’s been fun following along on Kristy’s Instagram as she attends launch parties, book signings and all that fun stuff. Her book tour is posted there too if you’re lucky enough to live in an area she’s visiting.

“If you love small towns, Southern charm, family mysteries, or, romance, this novel needs to be in your beach bag. I loved it.”

~ Emily Giffin, New York Times bestselling author

One of the central characters in the book, Salt, is an adorable dog based on Kirsty’s own dog and namesake. She recently wrote this cute article in Parade about how the real Salt won her heart.

Enter to win by …

  1. Being a subscriber to the blog. If you’re not already, sign up here.
  2. Leave a comment below letting me know you’re a subscriber and what you’re looking forward to most this summer!

On Monday, July 1st at noon I’ll draw the winning name. And, with any luck I’ll connect with the winner and have the book in the mail by the end of the day. And maybe – just maybe – it will arrive by July 4th and the long holiday weekend. Good luck!


Ralph Lauren & Team USA

Are you excited for the Olympics in Paris? I am. And they’re coming right up July 26 to August 11. Ralph Lauren unveiled their Team USA Collection this week and of course it’s spectacular. Particularly the athlete’s opening ceremony’s look.

Ralph Lauren brand photo of Team USA opening ceremonies uniform.

Such a classic look … jeans, Oxford shirt and blazer with sneakers. Love love love. As soon as I saw it I went to Ralph Lauren’s website and nearly everything is sold out. But, not to worry, it’s available at Bloomingdales too. Although the full opening ceremonies look will set you back nearly $1,500 … without sneakers. Ouch. I do love the jeans though.

Perhaps a sweatshirt  or t-shirt to show team spirit!


Serena & Lily – July Sale

Summer sales season is upon us and I received my Nordstrom anniversary catalog this week. But first things first, Serena & Lily’s July Sale started Thursday and runs through July 10th. Up to 40% off everything … and if you’re considering any big purchases, free shipping on orders over $2,500.

I thought I’d share some of my Serena & Lily rattan, wicker and woven treasures. I ordered this wicker pineapple set yesterday. Do I need them? No. But … pineapples + rattan + sale = SOLD.

Serena & Lily Sale Collage.

South Seas Console Table | Rechargeable Lamp Shades | Scallop Trays

Norich Round Mirror | Cabo Placemats | Catalonia Coasters

Tulum Wine Cooler | Wicker Pineapples | Braided Wicker Frames

Some of my other Serena & Lily favorites are on sale too. Like the Oakmont wool area rug in our library, Hattie Table Lamps in our bedroom and Westerly Inlay Table Lamp and Beaufort trays in our great room.


Thank goodness for sales because Serena & Lily isn’t inexpensive, but they offer beautiful, quality pieces that last. I won’t aways remember where I got some of the miscellaneous decor in my home, but I will know that THAT tray (or pillow or throw) came from Serena & Lily.


Odds & Socks ~

Looking for a fun party favor – or dessert – for your 4th of July gathering?! Elizabeth has you covered with these adorable dipped cones. I vote for ice cream in mine.

Pinecones and Acorns blog 4th of July party favors.

Cal Shakes is back this summer celebrating their 50th year with As You Like It running September 12 – 29th. Tickets are on sale here … I got mine yesterday. It’s a shame that, post pandemic, their seasons have been shortened to just one play. But, I’m grateful for that and happy to support their work so that one of these year’s we can get back to three or four production seasons. I’ve been attending summer Shakespeare at the Bruns magical theater under the stars since the late 80’s with my BFF Bonnie. She’s moved out of the area so Jim accompanies me. He’s thrilled, of course. Thrilled they serve wine. If you’re local, don’t miss it!

Cal Shakes As You Like It Promo.


Don’t miss Kim’s easy summer style ideas … with some great inspiration for what we can wear this 4th of July and all our summer adventures.

Kim from Northern California Style sitting in chair wearing a cute summer outfit.

Jim and I are passionate supporters of Oscar’s Place a donkey adoption center and sanctuary in Hopland. Several years ago we followed the story of Penelope and Ivy, two rescue donkey’s, leaving the sanctuary for their forever home at Country Hill Ranch in the Sierra foothills. I’ve continued to follow the girls through their adoptive mom Laura Instagram. What a fun surprise to find that she’s published a children’s book, with illustrator Sydney Coleman, Good Night Barn That is Red. Of course I ordered copies for each of my grandnieces to include in their birthday packages next month. It’s a sweet little book about a young girl’s move from city to country property with an empty red barn. And then her dreams come true when that empty barn fills up with baby goats. At Country Hill Ranch, that red barn is filled with Penelope and Ivy, goats, sheep, chickens and horses and you can follow their shenanigans here.

Good Night Barn That Is Red children's book cover.

Good Night Barn That Is Red

I haven’t shared a cocktail in a while, and need to remedy that, so I’ll remind you of a few summer favorites in case you’re looking for something colorful and refreshing this holiday week.

Limoncello Spritz | Rose Hibiscus Spritz | Grapefruit Aperol Spritz

Current Favorites ~

Divider graphic.

And that’s what I have for you today. Let’s see what’s inspiring Kim and Elizabeth.



Divider graphic.

In case you missed it, last week I toured a rose garden, and a tech bro’s house in my neighborhood, among other things … catch up here.

Happy 4th of July week from Snowberry!

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  • I’m looking forward to getting away to family camp on small New England lake.
    Also want to say I really enjoy your blog.

  • I am looking forward to visiting Beaufort, NC. It’s been on my list for a long time. Love your blog!

  • your blog is the best! look forward to the days you post. i get inspiration, great ideas and a positive outlook, like ok, i got this. i can do it. thanks for your hard work.
    and p.s. my closet looks a lot like yours! Love.
    retreating to the north Wisconsin woods. Eagle River. cool. no humidity.

    • Hi Elizabeth! Thank you so much for your kind words, you have no idea how much they mean to me. I’ve never been to Wisconsin but I know it’s beautiful. No humidity is a real plus. Good luck in the giveaway and thanks so much for being a loyal reader. xo

    • Grandbabies and the beach … sounds like heaven. Thanks for reading and commenting. Your name’s in the hat!!! xo

  • Juliet,
    Love your blog, I’m a subscriber and looking forward to lazy mornings this summer, a wine tasting trip and a lake trip to Wisconsin!

    • Kathryn, you’re the second reader who has Wisconsin on their summer travel itinerary. I’ve never been and hope to get there someday. I’m totally with you on lazy mornings and wine trips. You’re entered to win. Good luck! xo

  • Always enjoy your emails. Fun to read about stuff I don’t know about. Looking forward to my husbands hip replacement surgery so we can get back to an active life. Happy 4th
    Carol Reeves

    • Carol! Wow … your husband’s having a hip replaced this summer?! Wishing him – and you – the best. You two will be back in action before you know it. Thanks for your comment and Happy 4th to you too! xo

  • Your blog is my favorite Saturday morning read with my coffee.
    I am looking forward to a few vacations and family time this summer!

    • Thank you, Susan … I’m thrilled to be part of your Saturday morning routine. Sounds like you have a busy and wonderful summer ahead. Happy 4th and good luck in the giveaway! xo

  • I am a subscriber and I really enjoy Saturday morning with a cup of tea and reading your post! I am most looking forward this summer to TRYING hard to have down time at home and not let the summer get by too fast by doing too much running! And I would LOVE to read this new book during my down time. Beaufort, SC is one of my favorite places, and we will be visiting there in a couple of weeks!

    • Hi Trish! That’s a great goal … summer’s can fly by so fast and we wonder where they’ve gone. Jim was in Beaufort, SC last week he brought home lots of beautiful pictures. The book actually takes place in Beaufort, NC … I get the two confused. Apparently they pronounce them differently. Anyway, you’re entered to win. Wishing you at happy 4th! xo

  • Planning to enjoy the hazy days of summer entertaining friends and my mind by reading in the cool! I am a recent subscriber and enjoy sharing days with you! Wishing you a great summer!

    • Hi Pam, and welcome to MMS! So happy you found your way here. I’m sure your friends look forward to your hospitality during the summer months. I’ve added your name to the giveaway hat. Wishing you the happiest 4th … and summer! xo

  • I love a staycation reset! And you have such a lovely home to do so!
    Summertime for me is all about enjoying beach time down at La Jolla Shores.

    • Hi Barbara … summertime in La Jolla sounds heavenly! Wishing you the best of luck in the giveaway and a very happy 4th! xo

  • Hi Juliet, After a very long week as the CEO of a large-scale women and children’s free meals and food organization, I’m up early with my coffee enjoying your blog. I subscribed after learning about your blog from Mary Ann Pickett’ blog a few years ago. You have the best suggestions and I love your writing style – It’s like a letter from a good friend! This summer, I’m looking forward to a relaxing week on Whidbey Island, WA with my husband, daughter, and son-in-law. A water view, a good read, and walks on the beach soothe my soul and recharge me. Have a wonderful summer!

    • Hi Lisa, how fun to hear about you and your BIG, exciting life. Mary Ann’s one of my favorite people … and blogs and I’m so happy to have you here. A week on Whidbey Island with your family sounds wonderful. It’s one of my is one of my favorite places. I started going there when I was a kid with my grandparents and when Jim and I lived on Fidalgo Island we took days trips to Whidbey a lot. I can’t think of the name of the nursery in Langley but it’s wonderful. Wishing you a happy 4th … and good luck in the giveaway! xo

  • I’ve been following you for a few years. Enjoy your adventures near and far. Looking forward to a week with my grandkids followed by relaxing on the deck with a good book.

    • Hi Elaine, sounds like the best kind of summertime with the grands and good books. To that end, your name is in the hat to win A Happier Life. Best of luck … and thanks for following along here on the blog! xo

  • I am looking forward to getting organized, going through my closet, reading books and catching up with friends! Nothing special but so needed…..

    You inspire me!

    • Patti, the best kind of summers are the simplest summers. And there’s not a better feeling than a clean and organized closet. But books and friends. Good luck in the drawing! xo

  • As always, enjoyable post. I don’t know why, as women, we go go go until we absolutely just drop from exhaustion and being drained. Hope you are feeling better!
    Even though it’s not a summer trip, I’m so looking forward to a Vail, CO trip in September with all 10 of our family. We stay in a residence together and just have the best time from mornings started on the patio with coffee to ending our days with adults on the patio, once again, with cocktails in hand. Fun times and memories made is just the best!
    Have a Happy 4th, we’ve already been hearing fireworks going off into early morning hours.

    • Hi Linda! I consider September summer. And how wonderful to have your family trip to look forward to. Sounds just perfect starting and ending your days on the deck with the appropriate beverage! I’ve never been to Vail … I bet it’s beautiful. Especially in September. Thanks so much for commenting and good luck in the drawing. Happy 4th! xo

  • Lovely post. Yes, I am a subscriber and have been for some time now. I so enjoy all the tidbits you share. What am I looking forward to this summer: That’s a hard one this year as I just began chemo treatments for a cancer that was diagnosed seven weeks ago. I’ll just be happy to get each treatment done and closer to the last one and the hoped for results. Wishing you and yours a very Happy 4th of July.

    • Dearest Deb, I’m so sorry to learn of your cancer diagnosis and upcoming chemo treatments. Not the way you wanted to spend your summer. Regaining your good health is the only priority and I wish you the very best. And to that end I’ve said a prayer and will continue to send positive thoughts for your way. You’ve got this, friend! xoxo

  • I am a subscriber and I love summer!! Being outside with friends and family and at times on my own basking in the wonderful weather in Long Island. Love being by the water which relaxes me after hectic work days and local markets with fresh produce – fresh berries are the best.

    I look forward to your blog and I look forward to heading to the west coast to visit some of the places you mention.

    • Carmen! Sounds like an ideal summer to me. I’ve never been to Long Island. Being near the water is everything and you’re right, it has such a relaxing effect. Do you make jam with those berries? Thanks so much for being a reader and taking the time to comment. Good luck in the giveaway and Happy 4th! xo

  • Hi Juliet
    Love your blog…..I, too, need a reset from life being overwhelming sometimes and I enjoy spending days in a row of not leaving the house.
    The best part of summer for me is being able to open the windows and hear the birds singing everyday..I plan on doing a lot of grilling for our meals with side dishes made from vegetables from the garden…summer does fly by so I try to appreciate every day…

    • Hi Toni, we’re simpatico in our enjoyment of being home … and yes, throwing open the windows to hear the birds and other summer sounds. Grilling’s one of my favorite summer things too. Truthfully year round. Let’s savor the summer and keep it going as long as possible. Thanks for taking time to comment and good luck in the giveaway. xo

  • Hi! I am a subscriber and I look forward to seeing butterflies in my garden and healing my fractured kneecap! Also was wondering how long the Glo Skin Gloss lasts when wearing?

    • Hi Nanci, fractured kneecap. Oh my. So sorry to hear this and hope you’re well on the mend. Butterflies in the garden are lovely. I just saw one this morning. As for the Glo gloss … it lasts quite a while. I wore it every night during out travel in Italy and talked everyone’s ear off. I’d say it last all night, only reapplied after eating dinner. Hope that help. And happy 4th! xo

  • From Beaufort South Carolina I am a loyal subscriber. Headed to Spain this summer and collecting titles for good reads!

    • You’re from Beaufort … how fabulous! You’ll be familiar with the locations in the book. I’ve entered your name in the drawing … best of luck! You’re going to have so much fun in Spain. I’ve never been … one day. Thanks for being a loyal subscriber and taking time to leave a comment. It means so much. Happy 4th! xo

  • Your garden is lovely!
    Tell me about the wicker lampshade. Is the lamp solar, battery?
    Details, please. I need this lamp.

  • Love her books. I look forward to everything summer…especially the travel, golf, bbqs, and sunshine.

    • Kim! Did you read her Peach Tree Bluff series? My favorite. Your name’s in the drawing hat. Good luck and happy 4th! xo

  • I’m a subscriber, of course! I find your blog so cheerful and fun, and I appreciate that you share both high end items and items for those on a budget. I’m looking forward to spending time with my two grandkids, enjoying the sunshine that has finally arrived on the SoCal coast!

    • Hi Sarah! Has the June gloom cleared? Spending time with families, especially the littles, is the best part of summer. Thanks for being a subscriber and for your kind words. Your name’s in the drawing hat … good luck and stay tuned. Happy 4th! xo

  • Oh gosh we have Canada Day on the 1st and like you I have nothing planned!!!
    Gardening is on the list after we were away for a week at the cottage…the roses are in full bloom and need regular deadheading.

    What do I like most about summer? Warmer weather and the freedom to wear longer cute sundresses! Of course I love that our beloved roses are flowering.

    Enjoy your holiday weekend!

    Hostess of the Humble Bungalow

    • Leslie! Happy Canada Day! I hope you’re taking some time off from your gardening chores to indulge in a little holiday fun. Your name’s in the drawing hat … good luck!!! xo

  • Good morning Juliet!
    I am sorry that you were “under the weather”, it is always good to take a break. I have lots of weeks where I never leave the house. They are balm to the should and great self care. Take care of yourself Juliet, you have a lot going on.

    I loved your shirt dress! You look(ed) amazing, as always. As do all of the ladies. Kim and Cindy are my fashion look book, I always learn some new styling thing from them.

    THANK you! for sharing my cones! I used the same cones in my no-churn red, white and blue ice cream.
    S&L has so many great things, but I have to save myself for my new tile, lights and furniture.

    Speaking of which, anything new on your house plans?

    I love your donkey rescue! They are so sweet and I started to follow them after you mentioned them awhile ago. The book is so cute! I need to get a copy. There are a couple of donkeys down the road from there and I love seeing them.

    We have Shakespeare in the park here and love it. I am sure that SoCal As You Like it is amazing! Enjoy it and the wine.

    The Team USA uniform is fabulous! I love that blazer and the carrot leg jeans!

    Kristy is AMAZING! So excited for all of her success and I am not sure if you saw her instagram, she just signed with an agency to bring one or more of her books to the screen!

    Have a wonderful weekend Juliet!!!

    • Yes, you must escape to Alaska! Sounds like the name of a movie. Glad you have a ‘cool’ vacation to look forward to. You’re names in the drawing hat. Happy 4th! xo

  • We don’t have any big plans for the summer except for a family reunion and a few day trips. We tend to be fall travelers and have an excursion planned to the Finger Lakes region in September and two weeks in Florida in October. I look forward to each and every one of your posts!

    • Hi Barb! Thank you for your kind words, for being a subscriber and taking time to comment. Sounds like you have a lovely summer and fall ahead. I’ve never been to the Finger Lakes … they must be so pretty and maybe the leaves are starting to turn in September? And Florida will be perfect in October … a little cooler than this time of year. You’re entered in the giveaway. Best of luck and happy 4th! xo

  • Good morning Juliet,

    I enjoy reading your blog. Love your slightly sarcastic style. We live in the same general area (Sonoma county for me) your style and recipes resonate with mine. Happy 4th we don’t have plans either. But I’m confident there will be community fireworks activities and BBQ’s, oh and wine. Enjoy

    • Hi Cristi from Sonoma County! One of my favorite fireworks memories is laying on the field of dreams in Sonoma and watching the firework ash float down on our picnic blanket. You’re entered in the drawing. Good luck and happy 4th! xo

  • I don’t know why I waited so long to subscribe since I already follow you on instagram, but I just signed up. I’m looking forward to our trip to Italy in August. We traveled in Tuscany many years ago and this time it will be to Milan and Lake Como areas.

    • Nancy! Thanks so much for subscribing … excited to have you here! You’re going to have the most magical time in Italy. We traveled to Lake Como for the first time last summer and it was a dream. In addition to Lake Como we stayed in Iseo (for a wedding) which was also lovely and much of our group went on to Garda (on my list for next trip). I have a post about that trip somewhere … I’ll link it below. I’ve entered your name in the drawing and wish you luck … and a happy 4th! xo

  • I always look forward to your posts. For the summer, I look forward to spending time with family & friends and a short trip to Carmel and let’s not forget a good book!

    • I’m with you, Cathy … friend, family, books and last but certainly not least, Carmel! Hope you have a lovely time. And in the meantime, best of luck in the giveaway and happy 4th! xo

  • Love to tend my garden-harvest vegetables, herbs and bouquets-enjoy summer outdoors! Planning a European vaca for early fall-destination TBD :-). Love your blog and Insta!

    • Jean! Summer gardens are a lot of work and keep us busy … I’m learning! Europe in the fall will be lovely, a lot less crowded and cooler. I envy you! Thanks for reading and entering the giveaway. Drawing a name soon! xo

  • My cancer treatments will end this fall, and I’m most looking forward to having this summer in my rearview mirror and making special plans for next year. I really enjoy your Saturday blog and want to thank you for the opportunity to be in the drawing for this giveaway.

    • Cynthia … for your sake, I hope the summer goes by quickly and by fall you’re good as new. Your summer 2025 plans will be the best ever. I’m drawing a name later today! xo

  • Hi Juliet,
    Greetings from Istanbul!

    Glad you had some needed downtime w/ Jim away. I always enjoy receiving your blog posts!

    Hope to luck out and become the recipient of your book giveaway.

    • Hello Joan! Istanbul … wow! We watched a Hulu series last night, with an episode filmed in Istanbul. I entered your name in the drawing. Best of luck and happy travels! xo

  • I love your blog! Just ordered the Osea travel set, and copied your Limencelllo Spritz recipe. I love Italy, and developed a taste for Limoncello while on the Amalfi Coast several years ago.
    Keep the great content coming!

    • Hi Joan, limoncello is especially lovely in Italy. Have you tried limoncello over vanilla ice cream?! I think you’ll love the Osea products … I so appreciate a travel set. I entered your name in the drawing. Best of luck and happy 4th! xo

  • I love the beach in the summer. NC beaches are great, including those near Beaufort! Sunshine always makes me happy!

  • I love the beach in the summer. NC beaches are great, including those near Beaufort! Sunshine always makes me happy!I’m a subscriber and enjoy seeing what interesting things you have to say.

    • Hi Nancy! I’ve never been to North Carolina, but the beach towns sound wonderful. Sunshine + the ocean = happiness! I’ve entered your name in the drawing, best of luck! xo

  • I enjoy reading your posts. I live in Arkansas where the temps have been in the 100’s lately. I’m preparing for a trip to LA with my daughter for my 70th birthday. We have tickets to see the Rolling Stones – my favorite band.

    • Oh my gosh, Gail! The Rolling Stones are my favorite band too! We’re going to see them in a couple of weeks too and can’t wait. Whew … it’s hot there in Arkansas, you’ll have a nice break from the heat in SoCa (hopefully) … if you stay near the water it will be very refreshing. I hope you have an amazing 70th birthday celebration. In the meantime, I’ve entered your name in the drawing and wish you a happy 4th! xo

      p.s. where are you in Arkansas? My dad’s family lived in the Fayetteville area.

  • Juliet! That oil/moisturizer combo sounds like something I want to try. Like you, my crazy-oily skin in my younger years has kept me from welcoming moisturizers as I age. I also like your shower application trick. I wouldn’t have thought of that, so thank you!
    I don’t have littles at home but I still want to read Laura’s book. Thank goodness for animal sanctuaries and the people that run and support them.
    Between you and Kim, I now have 3 books I want to read. With next week’s heat wave on its way, that will be the perfect time to stay inside and settle down with some books.
    I really want to know how your garden is, as I don’t remember reading what critter problem you were having. From your photos, things look good, so I’m hopefuly the problem was resolved.
    Thank you, again, for your blog. My family knows how much I enjoy opening your Saturday email and seeing what fun things you have to share.

    • Hi there Janet, ugh, the heat wave. I’ve been getting alerts on my phone which makes it feel very scary. Although my weather app is saying we’ll be in the mid-90’s which is hot but not unusual. It will be hotter where you are and staying inside with good books sounds like the best idea. As for our garden, we’re still battling and not entirely sure what’s going on. I think our gopher is back. We may have a rat in the vegetable beds, and something we can’t identify in front. So we are underside from a variety of things. The good news is our climbing rose is regaining health … fertilizing and using Shake Away has helped. We’re using Shake Away around the raised beds too. I’ll write a post about this one of these days. At this point I hesitate to say it’s fixed … but it’s better, not worse. Fingers crossed. Thank you again, for being such a loyal and enthusiastic read. You have no idea how much I appreciate it … and also hearing form you. Happy 4th to you, mom and family! xo

  • I’m a new subscriber and reader! Found you through Northerncalstyle. Love your mix of travel, fashion and home content. Looking forward to fresh grilled corn!

    • Hi Shan, and welcome! Any friend of Kim’s is a friend of mine. Isn’t she the best?! I’m a corn lover too … nothing like sweet white corn hot off the grill. I love to take if off the Cobb too and add to salads. Yum. Wishing you the best 4th and best of luck in the giveaway! xo

  • Glad you are feeling better after a week at home. I can’t believe you deleted your inbox. Yikes! Love the idea of the lotion duo. Do you use it all over? Glad I am not the only blogger who has done zero for July 4th. Fortunately I have a few things I can pull out before my friends arrive for the holiday! I forgot I had preordered A Happier Life. Glad I have something lined up, since I am almost done with my current book. I hope next week is better for you!

    • Hi Molly, oh my gosh, my email box, I know. I’m trying not to think about it because what can I do?! In answer to your question, yes, I use the lotion all over … not on my face. I know your house will be perfectly decked for the 4th and I hope you have a wonderful time with your lucky guests. Hopefully the book arrived and you’ve have some down time to get started … it’s a fun one! Happy 4th! xo

  • This book sounds perfect for my book club! I am a subscriber and I checked my Libby app to see if I could get it but they don’t have it‍♀️I would love to win the giveaway!

    • Cathy! Yes, your book club! Kristy may have book club notes on her website. I know she sometimes zooms in with book clubs all over the country. Hopefully your library gets the book soon … it was just published so that may be why it doesn’t show on the app. You’re entered to win the giveaway so good luck and happy 4th! xo

  • Hi Juliet,
    I feel for you when you woke up Monday feeling panicked and over whelmed. Time out or a reset to look after number 1 is YOU. So glad you are feeling better, give yourself a big hug.
    I have deleted all my inbox emails and I was completely stunned. It’s a shock when it happens.
    What’s happening for me this summer. Well we sold our retreat in Oak Creek Canyon Sedona many years ago so we have to stay close to home for health reasons. Thank goodness we have A/C.
    YES, I’m very excited about the summer Olympics in Paris. Me too, I love the clothing.
    Good Night Barn That Is Red, looks like a perfect book to gift. Books are beautiful thoughtful books to give.
    Take TLC of yourself. We only have one Juliet.

    • Katherine, you are the sweetest, thank you! I can’t believe you’ve lost your email box too. Yikes! It happened so fast and I still have no idea what I did. We’re gearing up for a heatwave and I’m hearing others say the same as you … thank goodness for air conditioning. Now that it’s officially July … we can say the Olympics are coming this month. It’s so exciting. I’ll enter your name in the A Happier Life giveaway. Good luck! xo

  • I found your blog about 2 1/2 – 3 years ago and have thoroughly enjoyed every posting. You always have a variety of topics. I subscribed the first time I read you. This summer my his and and I are hosting an anniversary/family reunion in the mountains of Colorado. Can’t wait!
    On another note you recommended the book The Helsinki Affair awhile back and I bought it and thoroughly enjoyed it! I have passed the book along for others to enjoy

    • Hi AJ, how nice to hear from you and I’m so gratified to know you enjoy the blog. And that you loved The Helsinki Affair. I think (hope) it will be made into a movie. A family reunion in Colorado?! How wonderful … that’s going to be so much fun and something to look forward to. In the meantime, happy 4th! xo

  • I have been reading your blog from the beginning and enjoy your posts immensely but just subscribed. I am most looking forward to our annual family vacation at Lake Tahoe with 2 our children, their spouses, and our 5 grandchildren. This is a tradition we have been doing for 10 years. Best week of the year!

    • Kristin, first of all, thank you for reading the blog, and subscribing! A week in Tahoe with your family … best week of the year for sure! What an amazing tradition for all generations of the family to experience … and for the kids it’s the making of magical memories they’ll carry with them forever. And continue on with their own kids and cousins. I’ll be you’re counting the days. In the meantime, happy 4th and I’ve added your name to the giveaway hat! xo

  • Hi Juliet! Your new blog homepage is gorg! This was a newsy Saturday read. I’m a subscriber and always look forward to your posts. Kristy’s new book looks like a really good one. This summer I am looking forward to a few vacay days in beautiful Sea Ranch in Northern California. Hopefully, getting out of this dreadful Sacto heat wave. I love your interest in rescue donkeys. Keep us posted! How is the Lafayette property going? Have a fab Fourth! Xx

    • Hi Karen! Sea Ranch … how fun! I’ve never stayed at Sea Ranch, but I have stayed in nearby Gualala. It’s a beautiful area with striking architecture. And, yes, you’ll really beat the heat. Enjoy! Nothing happening with Lafayette property, I think it’s going to be a long road. Your name’s in the book drawing hat … good luck. And happy 4th! xo

  • Hi Juliet, I enjoy reading your blog , you kind of crack me up. I’m look forward to time spent with grandkids, farmers market , our local ice cream food truck. Happy Fourth of July!

    • Hi Cindy … love all these classic, must-do thing summer activities. I’ll be partaking in them too. Your name’s in the hat. Good luck! xo

  • Hi Juliet, I really enjoy your fun and informative blog! I’m a subscriber and this book sounds like a great summer read! I’m looking forward to my family reunion in a small Northern California coastal town with all my cousins that I grew up with. It’s always like coming home and a balm for my soul.

    • Hi Ginger, what a fun summer vacation … a cousin reunion at the coast. Absolutely enchanting. I’ve dropped your name in the hat … good luck. And happy 4th! xo

  • That Serena & Lily sale is so tempting…I saw those fun pineapples, too!
    Weird about the emails…I hate technical issues like that.
    Happy Fourth!

    • Tech stuff is the worst. It literally vanished … I sweat I didn’t do anything. Ha! The pineapples arrived … love them! xo

  • Hi Juliet, I really enjoy your posts and would love to get a copy of Kristie’s new book. What I am most looking forward to this summer is surviving next week as I live up in Redding and they are predicting 119 degrees on Saturday after several days of well over 110.

    • Hi Carol! Yikes! I’ve been getting alerts on my phone about extreme heat starting tomorrow. Of course, our extreme heat and yours in Redding are two completely different things and I feel for you. A good book or two will help and I’ve dropped your name in the hat. Hope you have a happy (and not too hot) 4th … keep cool, my friend. xo

  • Juliet I so get that feeling you had on Monday! I also deleted all my downloads this week by accident .. It was things I’ve had for an ages so I feel like I’m going to be sad when I figure out what’s gone. I’ve done that with email before too… Don’t worry. Of it’s urgent they’ll get back in touch.

    I love Osea’s face cleanse and I will try the skin duo! I have been getting drier. I love that they are all natural sea based products!!

    The book looks great! Nice of you to do that.
    Love the Olympic uniform! Those jeans are cute. I haven’t heard them called carrots leg before.
    Thank you so much for mentioning my blood. You guys did a fantastic job on the way dresses. I absolutely love that one on you!!
    Hope you’re relaxing and having a good week!

    Oh and love the Serena picks too! The pineapple would be cute on your bar!

  • I am a huge fan of Osea and have used their body oils for years. My favorite is their Undaria Algae Body Oil which also smells divine and the Anti-Aging Body Balm which is thicker. The balm goes on the body and the oil goes everywhere: body, face, leftover on my hair to give it shine, etc. I can’t live without these two!

    And I love your blog and outlook on life. Brava!

    • Hi Pam, thanks for the tip on the body balm. Moisture, moisture, moisture … I can’t get enough. I entered your name in the drawing … good luck! xo

  • I am a huge fan of Osea and have used their body oils for years. My favorite is their Undaria Algae Body Oil which also smells divine and the Anti-Aging Body Balm which is thicker. The balm goes on the body and the oil goes everywhere: body, face, leftover on my hair to give it shine, etc. I can’t live without these two!

    And I love your blog and outlook on life. Brava!

  • I would love that book to take on my vacation this summer!! We are headed up to the beach house on Vancouver Island in July and then to celebrate my husband 70th birthday were taking a Silver Seas cruise to Alaska… The problem is I have to pack for the beach house, which is mainly clothes for hot weather-Then pack for Alaska, which is clothes for cool weather-Then to make it even a little crazier, we are flying Instead of driving to the beach house-So everything has to fit within airline limits!!

    Fourth of July surprised me also! I think because it happens at the first of the month you don’t even think about it till July 1, and then then it’s only three days away!!

    • Martha! As a flying professional I have every confidence in you being able to tackle this packing complexity with room to spare! I love your summer visits to VI … and Happy Birthday to your husband. An Alaskan cruise is a great way to celebrate … do you board in Seattle?! Wishing you a happy 4th and good luck in the book drawing! xo

  • What a great give-away! I’ve been following your blog (love it) for some time but now I’m an official subscriber!
    Keep on writing!

    • Deb! Yay … welcome as a new subscriber! Thanks for being here and for your kind words. A Happier Life is a fun summer read; best of luck in the giveaway! xo

    • Thank you, Georgia. Playing with plants is a great way to while away the summer. I’ve entered your name in the giveaway. Best of luck and happy 4th! xo

  • Thank you for your blog. I look forward to reading it. Thank you for sharing this and all your hard work.
    What I look forward to this Summer is relaxing and spending time with my family. During the year is so hectic with work, school, and other things which make it difficult to spend time with family.

    • Hi Irene, I’m glad the summer brings the downtime you need to relax and enjoy your family. Nothing is more important or more gratifying. I appreciate your kind words and your name’s in the giveaway hat. Best of luck and happy 4th! xo

  • I have been a subscriber for quite some time! Love your blog! My summer will be taken up with planning my daughter’s wedding!

    • Beverly! A wedding … oh my gosh! You’re going to be mother-of-the-bride. This is going to be a summer to remember. Thanks for being a subscriber and taking time to comment. Your name’s in the drawing hat … best of luck. And happy 4th! xo

  • July is HOT here in central Texas, but it’s full of bdays-3 of our children’s plus my husband’s. Also, love fireworks on the 4th! There’s nothing prettier and I never tire of the “oohs” and “ahhs” from everyone.

    • Hi there Jennie in central Texas! Fireworks are the best aren’t they? And, yes, the oohs and aahs!!! Summer’s the best time to celebrate birthdays … and you have so many to enjoy. How fun! Thanks for taking time to say hello … I’ve entered your name in the giveaway. Good luck and happy 4th! xo

  • I’m looking forward to time away at our lake house! It is great family time, unplugged, lots of swimming, relaxing and cooking together. Plus amazing star gazing:)! Cheers to summer time! Love your blog!

  • Hi, I’m Juliet … welcome to Make Mine a Spritzer where we talk about all things home décor, classic style and more! I’m so happy you’re here!

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