Welcome to Spring Things … Easter Edition!
Can you believe it … Easter is next weekend!
The year is flying by … and that’s just fine by me.
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I plan to set a pretty table for Easter brunch.
It will be just Jim and I again this year.
I’m no millennial but I’m fully on-board with the grandmillennial style trend.
What a stroke of good luck that my style and this current trend line up.
For once.
What’s your favorite spring flower?
Tulips are mine.
If you follow my Instagram stories you may have caught my sad tale about forgetting to plant the bulbs I ordered.
I hate when that happens.
In the meantime I bought tulips at the grocery store and repotted them in
The planter coordinates perfectly with this plaid, pastel rug.
If this doesn’t say spring, what does?
In early February I replanted our porch basket and pots.
Our porch gets just a tiny bit of sun in the morning.
Finding plants that are happy here has been a process of trial and error.
Looks like I finally got it right and everything is thriving.
I believe the terracotta pots are filled with begonias … I misplaced the tags and can’t be sure.
Gardeners … let me know!
Remember Bun Bun from Spring Things part one?
She now has a companion on the front porch.
Bun Bun number two came from this Etsy shop.
I was a late adopter to Etsy … better late than never.
I think she’s happy here.
Isn’t she sweet?
In addition to setting a pretty table for Easter Brunch,
I’m going to get properly dressed.
I know, what’s gotten into me?
What a happy coincidence that my Easter dress coordinates
with our table cloth and plaid, pastel mat.
It’s meant to be.
What are your Easter plans?
If you celebrate, I’d love to hear all about it … leave a comment below and let me know!
Here are a few other things I picked up for Easter … including a green pastel egg cooker.
Jim loves hardboiled and soft boiled eggs. I do not.
He’s raving about his new gadget and made avocado toast, topped with an egg,
every morning this week.
(I’m not a fan of avocados either … but shhhhhh …
I don’t want to be exiled from my home state.)
As always, I appreciate your visit and welcome your thoughts in the comments below.
I’ll be back next week with a look at our back patio decorated for spring
and a few easy Easter recipes.
With any luck we’ll be able to enjoy Easter Brunch al fresco!
Until then, cheers from Snowberry!
Photo credit: Monica Vargas Photography
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