Spring Things … Easter Edition

Welcome to Spring Things … Easter Edition!

Yellow Tulips on Pastel Plaid Mat

Can you believe it … Easter is next weekend!

The year is flying by … and that’s just fine by me.

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Easter Table Setting with Easter eggs and candle sticks

I plan to set a pretty table for Easter brunch.

It will be just Jim and I again this year.


Crystal Candlesticiks and floral table cloth

I’m no millennial but I’m fully on-board with the grandmillennial style trend.

What a stroke of good luck that my style and this current trend line up.

For once.


Yellow Tulips on Pastel Plaid Mat

What’s your favorite spring flower?

Tulips are mine.

If you follow my Instagram stories you may have caught my sad tale about forgetting to plant the bulbs I ordered.

I hate when that happens.


Easter egg planter

In the meantime I bought tulips at the grocery store and repotted them in

this adorable planter.

The planter coordinates perfectly with this plaid, pastel rug.

If this doesn’t say spring, what does?


Plaid pastel mat and yellow tulips

In early February I replanted our porch basket and pots.

Our porch gets just a tiny bit of sun in the morning.

Finding plants that are happy here has been a process of trial and error.

Looks like I finally got it right and everything is thriving.


Topiary and begonias

I believe the terracotta pots are filled with begonias … I misplaced the tags and can’t be sure.

Gardeners … let me know!


Front Porch Topiary and potted plants

Remember Bun Bun from Spring Things part one?


Garden bunny

She now has a companion on the front porch.

Bun Bun number two came from this Etsy shop.

I was a late adopter to Etsy … better late than never.


Bunny lumbar pillow on teak bench

I think she’s happy here.

Isn’t she sweet?


Bunny lumbar pillow

In addition to setting a pretty table for Easter Brunch,

I’m going to get properly dressed.

I know, what’s gotten into me?


Green Easter Dress and Sweater

What a happy coincidence that my Easter dress coordinates

with our table cloth and plaid, pastel mat.

It’s meant to be.


Easter Planter with yellow tulips

What are your Easter plans?

If you celebrate, I’d love to hear all about it … leave a comment below and let me know!





Easter Pin Graphic


Here are a few other things I picked up for Easter … including a green pastel egg cooker.


Jim loves hardboiled and soft boiled eggs. I do not.

He’s raving about his new gadget and made avocado toast, topped with an egg,

every morning this week.

(I’m not a fan of avocados either … but shhhhhh …

I don’t want to be exiled from my home state.)

Window Box Planter

As always, I appreciate your visit and welcome your thoughts in the comments below.

I’ll be back next week with a look at our back patio decorated for spring

and a few easy Easter recipes.

With any luck we’ll be able to enjoy Easter Brunch al fresco!

Until then, cheers from Snowberry!

Photo credit: Monica Vargas Photography



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    • You’re one up on me, Robbin … I don’t like guac either. Oh boy … I’m really pushing my California resident status. My husband doesn’t mind though … there’s more for him! Hope you have an amazing weekend! xo

  • ON the LEFT looks like a BEGONIA on the RIGHT are PRIMROSES!For your FYI only the yellow PRIMROSES have a FRAGRANCE!!!HOW could YOU forget to plant the BULBS!!!!Let’s NOT even GO THERE as I know you have been VERY BUSY staying HOME!
    I thought I had two more weeks……EASTER is NEXT SUNDAY?
    BETTER get THE BUNNY to crawl into the ATTIC to retrieve a few baskets!!!
    NO AVOCADO LOVE……………REALLY?Even with a squirt of lemon?
    I was late to ETSY TOO……..and rarely visit……….TOO MUCH FOR ME!

    • Hahaha … yes, I was too busy staying home!!! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! No avocado, no thank you … just no!

  • I love everything you do! I want to come see Snowberry for myself some day, and have one of those yummy cocktails that you make! I’m going to share this link in my weekly roundup.

    • Thanks so much, Jennifer! It would be so great if you could come over for a cocktail and a chat. What fun we’d have!!! xo

  • Hi Juliet,
    I’m with you, I can’t believe Easter is next week! I’ve still got to pull out the decorations, we always have an egg tree which is a tradition from when I was a girl and my mom’s family. Easter was always a very big deal growing up, mom would sew us beautiful new dresses and if I was lucky I would get an Easter hat and new gloves, Boy things have changed! I sewed dresses for my girls every year, too. But now I will settle for just having them near, and we will eat a nice meal together. Hope we can enjoy it on the deck.
    Those look like primulas in your pots. Too bad about the tulip bulbs. I found a bag of bulbs in my fridge that we’re given to me and I had forgotten about, I think they are ranunculus. I wonder if i could force them to bloom indoors now? Anyway…
    Hope you have a great week and a wonderful Easter!
    XO Heidi

    • Yes, Easter dress, white patent leather shoes, straw hats and gloves! Times they have changed! Primulas?! I’ll google. Thanks and Happy Easter! xo

  • Everything looks so pretty and it is hard to believe Easter is next weekend! I’m ready for Spring and I’m enjoying the bit of freedom we have now with Covid restrictions loosening up!
    I ordered more of the rattan Easter eggs from Target because our Covid kitty Rusty has taken to getting them out of my bowl and batting them around the house!! I’m hoping to get some more Eater decor out this weekend!

    • Oh no, Rusty loves the eggs!!! I guess they are pretty enticing to a cat. Thank god the dogs can’t get on the table! Hard to believe this weekend is Easter … it was the first event to get cancelled last year. It’s been a year!!! xo

  • Snowberry looks lovely in all it’s Spring splendor! So funny—I have the pastel plaid rug on my porch! Bought it Sunday. Can’t wait for my much-anticipated and a-few-times-postponed visit to Snowberry soon. But what to wear…What does one wear to such a lovely home?

    • Shelley Welley … Snowberry is quaking in her plaid pastel boots … how does one get ready to welcome the queen of seasonal decor?! Hope the potted tulips hold out for another week. to rise up and greet you! xo

    • Hi Jennifer … those pots were a great find. But getting them home and into place was a rather hilarious process. Hope you have an amazing weekend! xo

  • Juliet, everything looks so beautiful. You have incorporate beautiful elements into your home and outside for the spring season. I love everything!

    • Thank you so much, Tammy! It’s been a long haul and I’m grateful to be at the point where my biggest concern is seasonal decor! Wishing you a beautiful Easter weekend! xo

  • Hi, I’m Juliet … welcome to Make Mine a Spritzer where we talk about all things home décor, classic style and more! I’m so happy you’re here!

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