The Fall Theme Continues + an Emily in Paris Inspired Cocktail

Today on weekend meanderings, inspiration for setting a fall table, another batch of delicious apple cinnamon scones, two highly anticipated fall television series,  and an Emily in Paris inspired cocktail.

Happy Saturday, friends!

It’s time for the weekend post with Kim and Elizabeth. Our weekly roundup of inspirations and goings on.

This week flew by and I barely remember what happened. Oh wait, I do remember something, our temperature dropped into the 50’s overnight. Burrr. Looks like it’s warming up for the weekend, but if this very welcome cooling trend continues I might have to run out for mums and pumpkins.

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Kitchen counter lamp, pumpkin and open cookbook on rack.

I bought a little kitchen lamp … and adore it. Yes, that’s a pumpkin on the kitchen counter. And, yes, I said no pumpkins until October, but this one’s not real so it doesn’t count.

Speaking of pumpkins, the pumpkin mugs I bought last year are on close out sale. I haven’t used them this year. Yet. But, very soon.

Let’s get started …


Fall Table Runner

This week I watched Brooke Giannetti create the most wonderful fall table top on her Instagram. I’d like to do something similar and it’s my inspiration for our fall and Thanksgiving table. I recently ordered this forest green striped linen table runner and I think it’s perfect for fall. My current woven cotton runner will work beautifully too. I’ll experiment with both.

Green and white striped table runner.

Fall table inspiration ~



Cinnamon Apple Scones, Take Two

The Make Mine A Spritzer Test Kitchen is back in session on a continuing quest to find the very best Cinnamon Apple Scones. And this week’s contestant is in it to win it.

Little Book of Scones laying on counter net door a bunch of dahlias and coffee mug.

The recipe, from the National Trust Book of Scones, is a little confusing because it uses metric measurements and I had to convert them. I think I did okay because the scones turned out great. Also, the recipe calls for self-rising flour which I didn’t have so I used all-purpose flour and tried to figure out the correct amount of baking powder and salt needed to compensate.

Let me caution you that my maybe-not-scientifically-accurate conversions are reflected in this recipe … but the scones came out beautifully for me. Also, I used the ingredients I had on hand and noted that in the margins. Since I was on a roll, I took the further initiative of adding a melted butter and cinnamon sugar topping. Yum!

Tray of just backed Apple Cinnamon Scones.

Apple Cinnamon Scones

This recipe is adapted from the National Trust Book of Scones by Sarah Mercer
5 from 2 votes
Servings 12


  • 4 cups All-Purpose Flour
  • 10 Tbsp Butter, cubed and very cold I used salted butter
  • 1/2 cup Sugar
  • 3 Tbsp Baking Powder
  • 2 tsp Cinnamon
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 large Apple, peeled and diced I used a Gala apple
  • 1 large Egg, beaten And another for egg wash glaze
  • 3/4 cup Milk I used 2% milk

Cinnamon Sugar Topping

  • 1/4 cup Sugar
  • 1 Tbsp Cinnamon
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1/4 cup Butter, melted I used salted


  • Preheat oven to 400° , and line a baking sheet with parchment
  • Sift flour, baking powder, sugar, cinnamon and salt and into large mixing bowl
  • Add butter and using pastry cutter, fork, and/or fingers combine until mixture is crumbly
  • Add beaten egg and milk and form into sticky dough
  • Fold in diced apple
  • Turn out onto floured surface, knead a few times and form into ball. Pat out into circle, then roll to 1-1/4" thick
  • Using round biscuit cutter, cut out scones and place on baking tray
  • Brush tops of scones with beaten egg and bake for 10-12 minutes or until risen and golden brown
  • While scones are in over, melt 1/4 cup butter over low heat and combine sugar, cinnamon and pinch of salt for topping.
  • Let scones cool for a few minutes then brush tops with melted butter and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar, using a small strainer is helpful

A few tools I find useful for scone (and biscuit) baking ~


Fall TV

Television viewing habits have changed – dramatically – due to streaming – but fall is still the time of year when new shows and new seasons of favorite shows make their debuts. This year feels a little bit old school with many potentially great shows on the horizon. I want to mention a couple of the newbies – coming this week – that have very back-in-the-day sort of feels and I can’t wait to watch.


After a 27-year long hiatus, my beloved Sunday night routine is about to resume … this Sunday. At the risk of sounding like a grumpy old lady, I never fully recovered from Murder, She Wrote going off the air back in 1997. I know … 1997. Before you get all excited thinking Murder, She Wrote is combing back … calm down. I’m talking about Matlock. Matlock is being revamped with the title role played by Kathy Bates and I’m so here for it.

The original Matlock, starring Andy Griffith, had a parallel run to Murder, She Wrote, starring the legendary Angela Lansbury, and I consider both shows the height of comfort TV. Just what the doctor ordered to combat the Sunday scares. In an interview with the New York Times, Kathy Bates says this will be her ‘last dance’ (gift link to article) and I hope it’s one that lasts at least as long as the original show.

Note ~ Do you know there’s a Murder, She Wrote fiction series? The first book, Gin and Daggers, debuted in 1989 and in 1994 a series was born with at least one published every year since. All the books are delightful, cozy mysteries. Next up in the series, A Killer Christmas coming in October, and Snowy With a Chance of Murder coming in March 2025, and both are available for pre-order. Yes, I’ve pre-ordered. Here’s a list of all 60 Jessica Fletcher mysteries in order.

Doctor Odyssey

Let’s move from comfort viewing to guilty pleasure viewing. This is almost too good to be true, The Love Boat meets Greys Anatomy meets Miami Vice. I’m talking about Doctor Odyssey on ABC September 26. The show takes place on a luxury cruise ship and Don Johnson is the ship’s captain. Is Don Johnson the new Captain Stubing?! My how things change. Anyway, Joshua Jackson (no idea) plays the main character, Dr. Max Bank, and he and the ship’s medical team contend with medical mayhem at sea.


Emily Lillet Royale

Speaking of fall television, the second half of Emily in Paris (season four) dropped last week. I haven’t watched it yet so don’t tell me anything. What I do know is the show inspired an fun collaboration … Emily in Paris x Lillet. Say hello to the Emily Lillet Royale.

Two glasses of Emily Lillet Royale on silver tray.

Lillet debuted two limited release bottles … blanc and rose … and they’re in stores now. I found out about it when my favorite grocery store, Diablo Foods, shared a photo of the blanc bottle on their Instagram story. Of course I dropped everything and got myself over there to grab one before they were gone.

Emily in Paris Lillet bottle, Moet and peach nectar.

The Emily Lillet Royale is simple to make and absolutely delicious. The recipe is printed on the back of the bottle, and on Lillets website. But I’ll tell you how I made it. First of all the recipe won’t fill my stemmed wine glasses … I doubled it to fill the glass and make them pretty. And, no I didn’t drink it all. Although Jim finished his. You can see my video here.

Emily Lillet Royale (one drink)

  • 1 ounce Lillet Blanc
  • 2 ounces Champagne (if you don’t want to open regular bottle, look for mini Moets)
  • 1/2 ounce Kern’s Peach Nectar
  • Strawberry slices and mint sprigs for garnish

Fill a glass with ice, add first three ingredients and stir. Garnish with strawberries and mint.

To get heart shaped strawberry slices, core the berry and slice it in half from the top. Is that obvious?

A few cocktail essentials ~



Woman sitting on teak bench with small dog holding a spritzer.

Denim Shirt Dress | Suede Slides


Current Fall Favorites ~


Odds & Socks: Blogger Friend Edition ~

My week feels pretty ho hum compared some of my blogger friends who are all over the country and world living their best lives. Are you following Mary Ann (Classic Casual Home) in France and England? Annie’s (Most Lovely Things) traveling in France too and when she and Mary Ann met up, I’m not going to lie … I was envious. Speaking of envy, Cindy Hattersley and Jennifer Connolly (A Well Styled Life) were at the LTK Conference this week in Dallas. Being invited to LTKCON is a BIG deal. It’s been fun tagging along via Instagram and I can’t wait to read more about their amazing adventures on their blogs.

Divider graphic.

And that’s what I have for you this week. Let’s see what’s inspiring Kim and Elizabeth.



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In case you missed last weekend’s post, you can catch up here.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

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  • What a great post, Juliet! I’m right there with you…I never recovered from Murder She Wrote leaving either! Love that cocktail recipe. Have the best weekend.

    • Hi Kim, let’s hope Matlock lives up to expectations and we can get back to Sunday night comfort TV, even if it’s not Jessica. xo

  • Hello Juliet,
    Gorgeous fall post thank you, love your TV recommendations and the scones!! Sounds amazing…l am going to make your cocktail when our daughter and her new hubby is with us one winter night because they sound incredible too. It’s been a real treat seeing Annie and Mary Ann with Susan from Une femme d’un Certain Age blog all in Paris together and then Cindy and Jennifer looking fabulous at the LTK Conferance. I really admire my blogging community and the amazing women who do it. Especially you three !! Have a lovely peaceful fall weekend !

    • Good morning, Francesca … and thank you for your sweet words. I think you’ll enjoy this cocktail … your daughter and SIL too. It’s’ so easy and truly delicious! Have the best weekend. xo

    • Ha ha … you’ve got a good eye! I bought my dress at Flaunt fall styling event and they had a woman there doing embroidery. Isn’t it cool?! xo

  • Oh, Juliet, you did well-those scones look really good! And kudos to you for using what was already on hand. I’m glad you found your scone book and I’m looking forward to experiencing more of your baking on here (it’s very low-cal for me, which is great!). Also, do I spy with my little eye two dahlias from your garden? I’m happy to see they’re still doing well.
    I’m not a huge television watcher these days, but the Doctor Odyssey show description brought me right back to late ’70’s/early ’80’s Saturday nights at 9pm. Dad’s sports were over for the day, so mom and I could have the TV and watch the Love Boat/Fantasy Island lineup. I loved those shows and looked forward to them every week! I just might have to check out this new show.
    Are we taking bets on whether or not you’ll invest in a pumpkin or two before October 1st? I’m planning to start decorating this weekend. It’s my favorite time of year, so I might as well get as much enjoyment from fall decor as possible. Next year, I’m hoping you grow some of your own pumpkins. Maybe some sugar pie pumpkins for use in baking.
    Keep cool during the upcoming bit of heat this week.

    • Hi Janet, yep, Friday and Saturday night TV was everything during the 70’s and 80’s. In the 90’s the Golden Girls on Saturday nights was a favorite too. I’ve been thinking about growing pumpkins after seeing others planting them right in their front yards. I can do that! It’s highly likely that I will be buying pumpkins and mums this week. It’s officially fall, so … I’m still meaning to get in touch with you about my garden issues. I’m slowly moving down the priorities on my to do list. Ugh, why am I so hopefully slow. Well, stay tuned … and happy official fall! xo

  • Love the denim dress!
    I have one from Lands’ end very similar in style and wear it a LOT.

    Emily in Paris is fun…that cocktail sounds yummy.

    I bought a soft dove grey sweater dress because our weather is feeling like Fall already.

    Your scones look delicious.

    Hostess of the Humble Bungalow

    • Hi Leslie, your sweater dress sound lovely and just what’s needed for fall. I can’t wait until our temps drop enough to make sweater wearing possible. Soon, very soon! xo

  • As usual, Juliet, you’ve introduced me to something great…the incomparable Kathy Bates in “Matlock”. She’s playing someone my age, whose life has changed. I watched the trailer and knew it would be on my Sunday viewing list. After a gruelling time recently, I am barely getting settled into my diminutive new address, and starting solo life at 74…some of your older readers may relate to a grey divorce. I am looking forward to many new experiences…firstly unpacking what seems to be 100’s of . Happily, I recently got internet and cable installed, and just in time for new fall shows … wow! has technology ever changed. Everything is so easy.” Matlock” is now recorded, as is the other one you mentioned, “Dr Odyssey”. Incidentally, Joshua Jackson, who will play Dr Max Bank , is a well known Canadian actor who, like so many others here, crossed the border. Now, my next challenge , is to find a semi- comfortable chair that will actually fit amongst the chaos of cartons , in my eventual den, for my Sunday viewing. Most excellent ! Life is sweet!

    • Hi Cath, sounds like you’re setting in and having the internet and cable working is a major – and crucial – step. During challenging time it’s amazing how a good TV show can provide a little comfort and much needed escape. Wishing you the best and you settle in. xoxo

  • 5 stars
    Good morning Juliet,
    Sorry to comment so late, since arriving home I am under the weather. Either too much fun or the flu or both.
    I am so excited for Cindy and Jennifer, they are amazing and it is so nice to see our demographic represented at LTK. Looking forward to their take on the conference.
    Your scones look fabulous! The addition of cinnamon and sugar at the end is a great idea.
    The temps here are in the 90’s it does not feel at all like Fall. Which by the way is today! Happy Fall my friend.
    Kathy Bates is AMAZING! I am with you, I hope this is a very long running show because I do not want to think of her retiring.
    Did you see the tour of Brooke and Steves barn? It is fabulous. I will have to look for the tablescape. Love your green and white stripe runner.
    Have a great week Juliet, enjoy every minute of your beautiful weather. xo

    • Elizabeth, so sorry to her you’re not feeling well. Hope you’re back in action quickly. And that the fall weather arrives soon … you’re ready! xo

  • Hi Juliet! I am finally ready to welcome fall into my home and heart, because, well, it is finally fall. Sure looks and feels like it here too. Your scones look and sound delicious! Cheers to Emily in Paris! Such a fun show. I blew right through the last 5 episodes, so thank you for some additional watch recommendations. I bought a wreath similiar to the William Sonoma one you linked for less than half the price. Sometimes it pays to live in the middle of nowhere in Maine where people handcraft these kinds of things, ha! Have a great week!

    • Molly! Speaking of wreaths, I’m experiencing a local wreath crisis. The one I thought I ordered is no longer available … not sure how I’ll survive fall after this debacle. If fall ever arrives that is. It’s currently 80 degrees at nearly 8pm. Ugh. Hope you have a great week, I’m sure (I hope) it’s cooler in Maine! xo

  • Hi Juliet,
    Your scones look delicious, but that Lillet Royale, oh my. I will be trying that as soon as I can grab a bottle. I love a Kir Royale, I can imagine this will be even better!
    Fall is in the air, I’m with you, no pumpkins until October! It’s still really warm here. Looking forward to cooler days and fall sweater wearing!
    Have a great week,
    Xo Heidi

    • Heidi! I almost weakened and bought pumpkins and then the temperature shot up and I’m sweating in cut offs. So glad I held off. The Emily in Paris inspired Lillet drinks are so good … very light … definitely give it a try! xo

  • Well it sounds as you are living the life, too. I printed scone recipie sounds yummy.

    Loved this post

    Hugs, Ellen aka Mom

  • 5 stars
    Juliet this was such a good post. Love the scones and that you gave us an American version. You know I will be trying this. I need to order those scone cutters! The drink also looks amazing. I think this would be a hit at a party.I love anything with peach nectar.I used to order fuzzy navels. Is that aging me? LOL

    I cannot wait for the Matlock with Kathy!! SO excited.
    Great pumpkin things..Now if our weather would just cooperate.
    Hope you have a lovely week and I am sorry to bee so late. xo

  • Hi, I’m Juliet … welcome to Make Mine a Spritzer where we talk about all things home décor, classic style and more! I’m so happy you’re here!

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