What I’m Packing for a Week in Italy

Today on Weekend Meanderings, everything I’m packing for a week in Italy!

Happy weekend, friends!

It’s Saturday and I’m joining Kim and Elizabeth for Weekend Meanderings.

Our weekly roundup of inspiration and goings on.

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Pink geranium potted on front porch.

It was another busy week around here.

Our little Pippa went in to have a tooth removed and ended up losing eight.

She’s a trooper and is enjoying her new soft-food-only diet.

Little white dog laying son outdoor throw blanket.

I joined Cindy, Annie, Mary Ann and Kim sharing ideas tp refresh our homes for summer.

Tomorrow is Father’s Day!

What are you plans?

Last week I shared a few easy and delicious brunch recipes that dad’s will love.

I’ve busy getting organized for our upcoming trip to Italy.

And today it’s all about what I’m packing for a week in Italy.

Let’s go …


It’s a long flight from the West Coast to Italy. I’m exhausted, just thinking about it. When getting dressed for the ordeal flight, comfort is key … so is warmth. I get cold on planes.

I plan to wear an olive green or khaki pair of Splendid joggers, a short sleeve white tee and my new Ash white tennies. I just picked up this loose, striped polo sweater and this striped pullover sweater. I love them both but will have to choose one or the other for the flight. I may also carry my Rails cropped denim jacket. Of course, a cozy pair of travel socks are in my carry on bag  as well as a light-weight scarf.



We’re going to a wedding!  It’s an afternoon event and the dress code is cocktail attire. I’m wearing this olive and white tiered dress  and wedge sandals from J.Crew. The sandals are a little uncomfortable due to the height. I think we’ll to be standing quite a bit and I may opt for these espadrille wedges with a chunkier platform instead. I’ll carry my petite basket bag (I bought this new shoulder strap to use with the bag for more casual outings) and these raffia and pearl drop earrings. I’ve packed a light cashmere wrap … that I may or may not need.

Wedding Guest look collage.

Tiered Dress | Cashmere Wrap | Basket Bag | Pearl & Raffia Earrings | Wedge Sandals



Our days will be split between roaming the charming towns around Lake Iseo and Lake Como and lounging pool and lake side. And eating pasta, obviously. I’m bringing a few casual dresses, my new white tennies and a pair of flat sandals.

I’m also packing a pair of casual shorts, a few light-weight tops and a dressier trouser short that can also be part of an evening ensemble. I’ll throw my favorite white cropped denim into the mix.

My trusty Panama hat is making the trip, as well as a couple of jackets and my favorite woven tote. The petite basket bag I’m wearing for the wedding will do double duty as a day bag with its new shoulder strap.

Last but not least, a couple of bathing suits and cover ups for pool days.



During our time in Lake Iseo we’ll be with a group of old friends … fun. When we move on to Lake Como we’ll be on our own so I can rewear a couple of my evening ensembles. Efficient packing! That said, we still need to get there … to the efficient part … because right now I have more outfits on the rolling rack than are needed for a 7-day trip.

I adore this one-shoulder number that Kim introduced us to a few weeks back. I’ll pair it with this tiny basket bag with bamboo handles. It arrived this week and I swooned. And I just picked up these sandals from the clearance rack at Nordstrom.

Eric Javitz basket bag.

When I saw this linen blend dress my heart skipped a beat. I tried it on and it was like Cinderella’s glass slipper. Yes, it needs to be ironed. The tan jacket is the perfect topper to ward off an evening chill.

For more casual evenings, I could pair this striped shirt and new jacket with a warm white denim or lighter-weight twill trouser short. What do you think?



My travel essentials list continues to grow … I’d like to do a separate post about it so I can refer back to it when packing. Here are my basics.

I’m a fan of Tumi luggage. It’s pricey but it lasts. And if there’s a baggage handling mishap (it happens more often than you think), Tumi is great about offering speedy repairs. Jim, who travels a lot and has availed himself of the service on numerous occasions, swears by Tumi. However, we disagree on packing cubes. I think they’re essential, he says they’re for rookies. I’m taking my largest bag on this trip.

These are a few other travel gadgets I’ve come depend on. I just checked the weather and it looks like we may need umbrellas.

For this trip I’m packing lots of sunscreen.

And a power adapter and voltage converter (they vary among countries, so double check). Update: The power adapters were great, but the voltage converter was a bust. I bought the converter for my blow-dryer brush, and, like every other hair dryer I’ve ever taken to Europe, it was a disaster. I made due with the hotel hair dryers.

Always pack a change of unmentionables, even better a change of clothes, in the event luggage is (quelle horreur) loaded onto the wrong plane. Also, basic necessities … toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, face wash, etc. … that keep one feeling somewhat civilized and presentable during the flight and upon arrival. In that vein, hair ties or bands are essential for freshening up in the airport or airplane bathroom. Heaven forbid your hair should graze the icky countertops. Oof.

Finally, when traveling to another country it’s nice to know a few words in the local language to say hello, goodbye, please and thank you. My friend the Contessa helped me with my essential words so I can order my morning cocoa (cioccolata calda) and lunchtime ice tea (te freddo). I’m good to go!

This is the current state of my rolling rack. Obviously I have a lot of work to do. It appears Jim has embraced the rolling rack preparation method, I see a few of his things have creeped in.

Messy rolling rack full of clothes to pack for trip.

UPDATE: I’m back from Italy and shared everything I actually wore here!

And that’s what I have for you this week.

Let’s see what’s inspiring Kim and Elizabeth …



One more thing ~

There are only 14 days left to take advantage of my code SPRITZER10 to save 10% off Change of Scenery resort wear. Orders over $100 until June 30. These are some of my favorite change of scenery pieces, including this dress I’m packing for Italy.


If you missed last weekend’s post, you can catch up here.

You’ll find all my weekend roundup posts collected here.

You can also follow along on Instagram and Pinterest.

As always, I appreciate your visit and welcome your thoughts in the comments below.

Woman standing on beach under pier.

Cheers from Snowberry!

What’s on my rolling rack for Italy ~

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  • Juliet,

    You have had a busy week. I loved your summer refresh tips and all of the other ladies as well. So sorry about Pippa, poor little girl. I hope she is on the mend soon.

    As for your trip, it sounds amazing and lots of fun. I love Italy and the pasta too. Sometimes I think the most important part of the packing is what to wear and bring on the plane for the flights back and forth. I am with you on the socks and wrap and any other things that makes you comfortable.

    Your rack is AMAZING! The wedding dress will be beautiful on you as will all of the other outfits you have picked out. That linen dress! Don’t you just love a dress that feels and looks good and makes you feel great? I spy the green dress you wore to your retreat, that is another beautiful look.
    I am a dress girl, you can wear them day or night, they take up less space and serve dual purposes, plus they look great.
    I am going to need a few hours to check out all of your new items and links. I think I might need a few things.
    A travel bag essential post is a great idea! As for cubes, my husband packs in cubes and he is a over a 2 million miler on Delta. I am like Jim, no cubes, I like to roll my clothes. It is funny the difference between couples and how they pack.
    Looking forward to seeing and following along on your adventures to Italy. Thank goodness you know how to order your morning cocoa! The best way to start the day!
    Take care and have a wonderful weekend.

    • Elizabeth! People swear by the rolling method … I’ve not had success. Perhaps I’m doing it wrong! Little Pippa is on the mend and my niece will be staying here to tend to her every need. I’m still working on my packing … Jim is telling me to edit, edit and edit. Easier said than done. You’ve got a sharp eye … that dress is on the rack but not making the cut for this trip. Hope you have an amazing weekend and week ahead. xo

  • Juliet, Your post could not be more timely for me because this week my husband and I have begun to discuss a trip to Italy’s lake country to celebrate an upcoming milestone! When you return, please please post about where you went, what you recommend, how you got from one lake to another, and all the nitty gritty of travel planning. Arrivederci!

    • Hi Debra … how exciting and fun! You can be sure I will do a follow up post. Hopefully it will give you more info for planning your celebratory trip! Ciao Bella! xo

  • Juliet –

    What a lot of thought and curating of gorgeous clothes has gone into this post. Bravo! Yet as a world traveler since I was 14 I’m of the opinion that you are completely overpacking!!!! My last trip for a month to Spain where I moved locations every five days was with a rolling suitcase that fit in the overhead bin. And I looked great in every photo. And yes I did a bit of laundry. The first time my luggage was lost was luckily in Hawaii. It finally caught up with me at the end of the trip. I limped by with a bikini and big tee shirt cover up and flip flops. I borrowed a few things from others in the group. I think I had more fun because I didn’t worry about clothes.

    I’m glad to see you plan to include an umbrella as there can be rain and thunder storms in that part of Italy in the summer. Fabulous white linen dress! Im sure you can find a way to steam or press it as it’s really cute. But if it’s raining it might get some splashed mud on it. And if it’s dark and rainy you might not want to wear it. What are you planning to do if you can’t be outside?

    The shoes. Make sure they are broken in and comfortable. I twisted my ankle in Venice on slippery stone stairs in tennies much like the ones you show.. Luckily there was a pharmacy nearby where I could get something to support my ankle for rest of trip.

    So rule of thumb. Three tops for each bottom. For seven days you might need only two bottoms and a dress since you did mention you can re-wear outfits after you move to other lake. If you can’t buy it there you don’t need it. Accessories are small and easy to pack. The wedding outfit might be worn out to dinner in other locale. The Italians will love that dress.

    I know you know most or all of this. Try a prepacking session at least a week before you go. Take half out. Then watch the weather forecasts and adjust. You are going to look fab and have a great time.

    • Leslie, you are my packing idol and I wish I could learn to be so travel savvy. Not everything in the post is going to make the Final Cut. I’m working furiously on editing today and tomorrow. We’ll see what happens!!! Love the 3 to 1 ratio for tops to bottoms. And a pre-packing session would have been a great idea … I’m going to remember that for next time. Thanks for the stories and tips. I’m going to get better!!! xo

      • Thank you for the compliment!! I know you are now in pre- trip panic mode. A funny picture in my mind of your husband hovering and freaking out at the abundance of things you want to include. Men do not get women’s packing issues unless they are stylists. They only need pants, shirts, a sweater or jacket, 2 pairs of shoes albeit huge? A tee shirt or two. Something perhaps to sleep in and one bathing trunk. They learn the sniff test when quite young. They sniff the clothes to see if they can wear it again. And again. A woman like yourself who needs to be Instagram worthy and feel attractive needs options. And her range is wider. Like pants, shorts, skirts, dresses, jackets, sweaters, blouses, tee shirts, nightie, undergarments, hats, shoes etc etc. If you have time write down quickly what you will do each day. Then plan day outfits and night outfits. Plus the wedding. Two days traveling you can repeat that outfit. Three days in each place you can rewear most if you have fresh top and underthings. Rewear the wedding outfit. Cute with a jean jacket or sweater. Or even tennies. Bring a flat piece of mole skin with you in case your shoes start to rub. Try on shoes (no more than three) and do the moleskin ahead of time if they rub.. There are lots of outdoor activities there so have an outfit for that. Or pieces you can swap around. Think layers.

        OK. Have fun. I’m sure you’ve got this.

  • Juliet, I must find your summer refresh blog. Somehow I missed it. Seeing that gorgeous pink geranium on your porch (I thought it was a hydrangea is so large) is inspiring. Hope the deer don’t gobble it up in your absence.

    That green tiered dress…. Wow. I want to go to an Italian wedding! But, alas, I’m going to two Minnesota weddings this summer instead.

    Some day I’ll teach you all my rolling method of packing. So helpful for the linen.
    And it’s great when you have a stay at an airport hotel. You can fit a ton more in your baggage but it can be heavy.

    I’m off to shop for a basket bag like yours. I’m hoping less expensive. We shall see!

    Ciao Belle!

    • Hi Laurie … the geranium is from Orchard! It’s magnificent. Fortunately deer can’t get into our front yard so it should be safe. Two Minnesota summer weddings sound fun … I love a wedding wherever it is and MN is a beautiful state. Try ClareV for a little basket bag option … not sure the price range, but they have several cuties. Ciao! xo

  • Hi Juliet! Living vicariously through your Italy trip! Love love the dress for the wedding! And oh my, that Eric Javitz bag with the tortoise shell handles. Perfection! I am definitely ordering a pair of J Crew bermuda shorts. You have such incredible style!

    • Molly, you’re the sweetest! Isn’t the bag the best?! I may have to toss something else out of my luggage, but worth the sacrifice. You’ll love those J.Crew shorts … I may buy in other colors. Just finished reading about Maddie and Cisco. Loved it. Hope you’re having the best weekend! xo

  • Hi Juliet,
    Oh my goodness, your little fur baby Pippa had 8 teeth pulled bless her heart. I know you are such a great mom I’m sure her food will be soft and still yummy. Such a hard thing to go through.
    It looks and sounds like you have so many good clothes packed for Italy. Love the wedding outfit. You will look gorgeous.
    Have a wonderful time. That is not an easy flight. You know what you’re doing to keep warm and cozy.
    If I don’t chat with you before you leave have a wonderful safe trip.

    • Thank you, Katherine. Our little Pippa is back to her normal self, eating yummy soft food and being the queen of the castle. In a couple weeks when she’s fully recovered we’ll have to start brushing her teeth. That should be interesting. Anyway, we’re excited about our trip on the other side of the long flight. Happy weekend! xo

    DON’t forget DOVE BANO or better word TOILETTE!
    YOU have GOT THIS!

    • Oh, yes … another essential word!!! Grazie. I’m current in a state … Jim standing over my suitcase saying ‘something(s) have to go’! Editing isn’t my strong suit. Anyway, excited to visit the adopted homeland of my favorite Contessa. I’ll report back! xoxo

  • Juliet wonderful pieces for your trip! I’m excited you got the green dress and the one shoulder too. Both were two of the best dresses this season and you will look gorgeous- and they are versatile!
    I think we over pack and can re wear, but it’s so hard when you want choices! Hoping you get some shopping time in! Go for comfort with the rest of it all! You can buy anything you need now!
    Oh by the way, that linen dress is a dream!
    Can’t wait to hear all about what sounds like a dream trip!
    Deep breath and go enjoy!!

  • Packing cubes help organize and the Monos version has a zipper that goes around the perimeter to gently compress whatever you put inside (monos.com). The other reason packing cubes are essential is in case of one of those baggage mishaps…..you really don’t want each piece of your clothing (and that includes undies) coming down the baggage carousel a piece at a time….if you have packing cubes the cubes will be what comes onto the carousel still all zipped up 🙂

  • Juliet… I am so sorry that Pippa had to have so many teeth pulled. Poor baby. Hope she’s feeling better soon.

    I love all the clothes you are taking to Italy. Your dress for the wedding is so lovely. Great find. And that bamboo handled bag… I need one of those!

    Have a wonderful time in Italy

    • Karen! You do need that bag! As for Pippa, I’m amazed at her resilience … she’s doing so well and excited to spend the next week being pampered by her niece. When I get back you’ll be moved into your new dream home! Can’t wait to see it once you’re ensconced! xo

  • What a beautiful dress you chose for the wedding. You will look lovely in it.
    Have a great trip.

  • Have a wonderful, wonderful trip. Just returned from Lake Como – always spectacular. I am sending a heavy vote in for espadrilles with the beautiful dress. If the wedges aren’t comfortable at home, they will be miserable for a wedding. Also, they have a chunky look with the dress, MIO. I think the espadrilles give a lighter look. Regardless, you will look beautiful. Have fun. Ciao!

  • I love this post Juliet. I will use it as inspiration for my upcoming trip to Portugal.
    If you can – check out Lake Maggiore and it’s amazing islands. Spellbinding.

  • I’m so envious! No Italy this year, maybe next?
    Just got back from a short trip to Santa Barbara and here are a couple of my tips:
    Coola Makeup Setting Pray with SPF, you spray over your makeup, refreshing and not shiny or SPF-like!
    Add AirTags to all bags.
    Half as many shoes as planned. Lago Como is hilly with stone paths. Wear flats!
    Take a new scent with you. It will always remind you of your trip!
    I LOVE cubes! My favorite cube tip: pack nighttime routine in one cube – pajamas/nightie, underwear, melatonin, aspirin, eye cream, eye mask, corded earbuds, small fan for nightstand, whatever you do EVERY night before you go to bed but don’t want to look for at midnight or whenever you get back from the trattoria . I always thank myself for thinking ahead!!

  • Hi, I’m Juliet … welcome to Make Mine a Spritzer where we talk about all things home décor, classic style and more! I’m so happy you’re here!

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