Simple Bedroom Refresh Ideas

Cozy up your bedroom with these simple refresh ideas.

Hello friends,

Just a quick one today to share some simple bedroom refresh ideas.

A few things I did recently to give our bedroom a cozier feel.

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View into primary bedroom with blue velvet bed, linen bedding and ivory nightstand with blue table lamp.

A couple of months ago I shared a peek at our bedroom.

In the midst of it’s little glow-up or refresh.

I raved about our new linen sheets.

Turns out linen bedding is everything its cracked up to be.

Let’s discuss …


Linen Sheets & Chunky Throw

I don’t know what took me so long to embrace linen bedding. Our new European linen sheet set from Quince is so soft and cozy and I gushed on and on about here. The new sheets pair beautifully with our many years old linen duvet and Euro shams from Ethan Allen. I bought them for our Fidlago Island house and while the duvet gets a lot of wear and tear from our dogs, Pippa and Maggie, they’re in pretty decent shape. Pippa and Maggie sleep on the bed … in their beds on the bed … but they still manage to be pretty hard on the duvet. I launder it constantly and have managed to keep it looking fresh, but one of these days it’s going to give up the ghost. Not to worry, I have its replacement waiting in the wings … this linen duvet in either mist, ivory or sand and matching Euros.

Bed with blue velvet headboard, linen duvet and chunky ivory throw blanket.

In addition to wearing out duvets, our tiny terrors destroy the inexpensive throw blankets I use to protect the duvet from their antics. I recently bought this very thick and chunky throw and it looks like the girls have met their match … their little paws and nails have done zero damage.

Tranquil bedroom with blue velvet headboard, linen bedding and end of bed bench.

Our bedroom doesn’t get a lot of light so plants don’t thrive here, but it’s nice to bring in a touch nature indoors with some grocery store flowers or clippings from the yard. No vase, no problem … I use a seagrass wrapped drinking glass.

Tranquil bedroom with blue velvet headboard, linen bedding and end of bed bench.

Full Length Floor Mirror

Last year I added a floor mirror with a bone inlay frame. I found it at Anthropology and snapped it up just before it sold out. I love the arched top. What a difference it makes to have a full length mirror in this spot. It reflects light and makes the room feel larger. And it comes in handy for a last glance before I heading out the door. Last week I almost left the house in my slippers (again) but caught it in the mirror and was able to put on proper shoes before I made it out of the house and embarrassed myself.

Bedroom floor mirror next to armoire reflecting the bed on other side of the room.

Big Basket for Blankets or Plants

The mirror seemed lonely next to the dresser/TV armoire (Ethan Allen) so I searched and searched for a large basket to toss extra throw blankets. We go through a lot of them trying to protect upholstered furniture and beds. I found this white rope basket with a rattan frame and handles at Crate & Barrel. I say this a lot … it’s so often the littlest things that have the biggest impact.


Bits & Bobs

  • My lazy gal mantra for decorating is pillows, trays and throws. And that’s pretty much what I did here.
  • Want to make something look cute and intentional, corral it in a tray … or basket.
  • Clear the clutter from nightstands, add a candle, and fill a drinking glass with flowers.
  • Toss some cozy throws around.
  • Bring a mirror into the room to reflect light.
  • Upgrade your bedding, it doesn’t need to cost a fortune.


What You Don’t See

Let’s talk about real life and what you don’t see … because blog-land versus reality. First of all our dog beds (they’re really cat beds, but don’t tell Pippa and Maggie), dog stairs to help the girls get up onto the bench and bed, and the occasional squeaky toy. Of course, our charging cords (oof) and sound machine were removed for pretty photos. I can’t sleep without ambient noise, can you? And end of bed benches are a little like exercise equipment … they attract discarded clothes. Oh and I keep a basket tray under my nightstand that holds current books and magazines.

Woman sitting on bed with small dog.

Woman sitting on bed with small dog.

In addition to the unmentionables mentioned above, you also won’t see any wall art. It was part of my refresh plan, I haven’t found the right pieces and quite honestly the bare walls give off a very peaceful and tranquil vibe that I kind of like. Until the right artwork finds me, I’m embracing the clean, minimal look.


Shop the look by clicking on images ~


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Jessica Brydson took the beautiful photos in today’s post

and Alli Bentz was here to correct supervise my feeble styling.

The effortless tossing of throws onto beds is not for amateurs.

A full recap of our bedroom renovation, furnishings, finishes and sources can be found here.


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So, there you have it.

My simple bedroom refresh ideas.

Bedroom Refresh Blog Post Pin Collage.

I like to call my not-minimal but not-maximal style ‘modern cottage’ or ‘modern traditional.’

Yesterday I came across a podcast talking about #moderncottage as a new trend.

And I thought I made it up.

It’s not often I’m on trend so I’m going to revel in it for a moment.

In other words I’m going to write a blog post about it so stay tuned.

Until next time, cheers from Snowberry!

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  • I love your style. It’s much like my own! I have a suggestion regarding your artwork. I decided years ago to personalize the art in our home. I selected photos that my husband took on our travels over the years. Some I have had printed on canvas, others I have simply matted and framed, and some we installed art lights above. I was able to select our favorites while at the same time choosing the appropriate colors for the rooms. This all means so much to me now as I very recently lost my husband unexpectedly. Instead of crying, I feel a gentle smile on my face looking at the art, and remembering all the good times we had.

    • Lyn, I’m so very sorry for your loss. And I’m glad that artwork bring a smile to your face and happy memories to the forefront. It’s a wonderful suggestion and having such personal pieces is so good for a bedroom space. My older photos are a project sitting and waiting for me and this might be just the encouragement I need to start sorting through. Thanks for taking the time to comment today. My heart goes out to you, friend. xo

  • Your bedroom is beautiful. I love your shades and the large lumbar pillow under your bed. I think it’s a good call to wait on Art. Wait till you find something that’s really special. I found a beautiful painting in Italy when we traveled there a few years ago. That would be a great spot to find something.

    • Oh, Marth … that painting must feel so special and carry so many happy memories when you glance at it. I’m waiting for something or somethings like that to hop into my path. xo

  • Lovely calming bedroom, Juliet: love your blue floral shades and bolster pillow accents. I purchased a large vanity size bone inlay mirror similar to yours in London and hand-carried it back home! Glad you found what you needed at Anthro!

    And THANKS for owning up to (doggy) ‘items edited’ for your photo shoot — of course this happens, but it is sweet to hear it, nonetheless!

    • That’s awesome, Joan. I can’t believe you and carried it … but of course you can’t trust it to a shipper. I love finding things like that in unexpected places. Bringing home beautiful pieces and will evoke wonderful memories each time you look at them. xo

  • Thank you for sharing your beautiful bedroom with sources, etc. I recently discovered your blog and I love your home interior design that also reflects your lovely fashion style. I am inspired by your excellent, informative posts and enjoy your blog very much!

  • Hi Juliet! Your bedroom is lovely! I am so happy you turned me onto Quince! I have ordered a couple sweaters from them, and today I was finally able to nab a linen quilt for summer. I have had my eye on it for a while, but it keeps going in and out of stock. I also jumped on the teal throw from Wayfair you linked. That seems to be my bedroom color now. Somehow. I love it, but I never planned it, ha!

  • Juliet
    Everything is beautiful as usual. I have a question. I bought the linen sheet set but it very uncomfortable. I can’t seem to get it soft any suggestions?
    Mama P

    • Oh no, Mother Parsley! Mine were soft as can be coming out of the package … and got softer after washing. Maybe linen doesn’t agree with you. 🙁 xo

  • Hi Juliet,
    Tranquil, peaceful bedroom. You are both loving, considerate parents to your fur babies. You think of everything don’t you? By the way they are adorable. I’m sure they bring you immense joy and smiles. As much as you love them, they are a lot of work if you look after them right.

  • Juliet,
    Your room refresh looks great! Calm, relaxing and beautiful.

    I feel your pain with the antics of little pups. We have a ramp that goes up to the ottoman and then the pups jump onto the bed. We also have toys and bones that dot the room and end up on the bed.
    The mirror is a great addition to your room. As for art, take your time and wait until you find something that you love.
    Modern cottage! Perfect for Snowberry. You are a trendsetter Juliet!

  • Juliet your bedroom looks so tranquil and lovely. I love everything you chose and I don’t feel lie it looks bland without art. The pretty window coverings really stand out as does the headboard. I don’t have much art on my bedroom walls either and like it. I bought those sheets on the last bedroom post you did and they are nice!

  • Hi, I’m Juliet … welcome to Make Mine a Spritzer where we talk about all things home décor, classic style and more! I’m so happy you’re here!

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